Wednesday, October 31, 2007


I had this dream where I ended up in a quaint Japanese town with Spanish influences and canals reminiscent of European countrysides.

I hope this doesn't happen when I get there!

So anyway here is a list of things I'm so definitely going to get.

1) Preserved scallops.
2) Charm bracelet for sister.
3) I don't know? Disneyland entrance pass?

And thus I have no idea of what to expect there and I think I'm overpacking because it doesn't get colder than 10 degrees at where I'm going but yet I have my dad's leather jacket and super warm woollen sweaters and scarves and gloves and socks and beanie. And thus my nightmares of vacations going horribly messed up and wrong are coming true.

At this point in time my grandmother is criticizing by wardrobe choices because my jackets are apparantly too heavy and she is trying to tell me that the thin black one (that came as a free gift with a National Geographic subscription) would be a better choice. On second thoughts, I think she may be right in our overestimation of the freeze we would experience in Japan, since I've experienced uncomfortably colder moments in Perth when the temperature dipped to 3 degrees.

But I'm pretty excited about the trip! And choir members remember to give your details to your SLs! And all the best to those involved in the primary school debate workshop! May you have the ability to think of clever comebacks to deal with smart-alecky P6s, and have the gift of staring them into silence when needed!

And O level Chinese people! All the best :D nearly forgot that it's today! (shame)

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