Saturday, August 06, 2011

I feel very whiny today so I will whine continuously across several topics for a number of paragraphs. Deal with it.

  1. WHAT IS UP WITH MOTIVATION? I mean, it gets annoying when people are so public about how amazing they're feeling that they want to share it with everyone they claim to know, as if enthusiasm can be contagious. It's not. It's inconsiderate. If you feel motivated about planting another shoebox garden outside your patio, or feel motivated about paperwork, or feel motivated about running into a jungle with a MATADOR, or feel motivated about surprising your girlfriend on your 6th Day Anniversary, please do us all a favour and keep your motivation to yourself. Good grief.
  2. Complaining about pesky immigrants: everyone has done it before, not everyone has felt a sense of shame and hypocrisy after setting their complaint loose into the universe, and even fewer have lost sleep over their ethical lapse, whatever. But if you want to complain about migrants, at least locate the source of your complaint, right? "THE TRAINS ARE CROWDED, THOSE PESKY IMMIGRANTS" — is an example of not locating the source of your complaint. This type of complaint is often xenophobic and reflects the depravity of the complainer more than it reflects the state of affairs. It's nobody's fault that some people were born in poor villages and trying to raise a family of seven on their own... yup that's right, take in the guilt you upper-middle-class capitalist pig... suck it up now. By the way, the source of complaint in this instance is really the amazingly clever immigration policies at the governmental level — adding to the population for short-term economic gain without consideration for the relatively slower expansion of housing and infrastructure was a really genius move, you guys. Anyway I am totally aware of the non-homogeneity of the immigrant population here, and this is just a rant about the inadequacy of other people's rants, so, like, please be cognizant of this highly nuanced situation. You're also encouraged to rant about my rant so it becomes a meta-meta-rant! Omg, let's all sit in a circle and feel happy about being educated.
  3. Pubescents given access to Twitter — isn't anyone going to say something about that? THEIR HORMONES ARE ALWAYS TALKING. Like, give their hormones an open-mic and they'll talk about how they adore girls that "Have sexy fingernails" or "Have manners" (let's not even GO INTO girls talking about boys who "Throw pebbles at your window"and "Spray the right amount of Axe" — seriously? Seriously?). I just want to say that other people have hormones too. "Damn gallstones! Blame my weird melatonin levels, I guess" (@endocrinesystemsthat), "Gloomy day. Woke up to menopause." (@gynaeproblemsthat) KIDS: PLEASE SILENCE YOUR HORMONES IF NOT YOUR PHONES. THANK YOU.
  4. National Day. Why are people waving flags to a spectacle that celebrates militarism and consequently violence? Don't people think ever about that? Cut it off already! I just want like, a picnic and a fireworks show! Simplicity is so underrated in young nation states.

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