Tuesday, August 06, 2013

ideas re: channeling irritation into performance art projects

Title: The Douchebag Who Smokes In The Lift While Wearing Avant-Garde Fashion
Description: 20-something male with goatee, wearing Mickey Mouse-monogramed harem pants and gym shoes, is suspended in a vertiginous shaft with little light other than a matrix of LED numbers displaying numbers corresponding to the number of floors in the building. He slowly descends into a burning pyre to risk asphyxiation by tobacco fumes.

Title: You Need To Make That Decision Yourself
Description: This is a dramatised reenactment of a motivational talk. The artist, as Speaker, presents handwritten slides using an old overhead projector. Slides include questions such as "What should I get—from this ridiculous souvenir shop stocked with items made in another country—for my sister/soulmate/auntie/gardener/chinchilla?", "Should I order the same thing as you, and spend 10 minutes complaining about this dilemma?", "Do you think I should buy this hideous suit that I will never wear and will probably regret?", and "Which college should I go to, knowing full well that I am the only person who can make a meaningful decision?" The artist will talk, in an expressive medieval German tongue, about the topic before dousing the slide in lighter fluid and setting it on fire.

Title: You're Fucking Type A 
Description: The artist wilfully suspends initial skepticism of the Type A-Type B theory of personality in pop psychology and dons a pair of severe-looking glasses, while berating himself constantly about his poor life choices. He then produces a clipboard and places it on the floor. Meditatively but decisively, he stamps on it for ten minutes before sending an angry email to a random person in the audience.

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