Sunday, February 21, 2010

subvert the status quo

It has dawned on me that much like Jeanette in Oranges, I am the Other within the Other within the Other.

1) I am in the arts stream. Because The School frequently partakes in the othering of the arts and humanities to define their identity (i.e. a science faculty dominated academic structure), I am an Other in the Shady Green Fungus of Bedok South Road. Let us also pause to contemplate the harrowing obscenity in appropriating Economics into the science-based curriculum. Social sciences aren't, in absolute terms, like the natural sciences, guys.

2) I am a masculine presence in the arts stream. (You may stop snickering now. I know who you are!) At least, I am male and doing arts subjects. It is very difficult studying Paper 5 literature in a lecture theatre filled with women who have much richer experiences of Womenhood and the like. (I can be more objective though.) It is also difficult to multitask; taking down lecture notes while vehemently muttering feminazic diatribes under one's breath is highly taxing with my limited mental faculties. Also, I must stop here lest I come under attack tomorrow for being misogynist, but I'm just trying to offer a harmonious balance in gender politics here, people!

3) I am studying KI while being a man* in the arts stream. Enough said. I haven't started planning for the essay on social sciences, but it does not necessarily follow that I'll end up dying this week. I'm just trying to lead a quiet existence here, y'all!

*do I have to address myself as man now? But I'm not a boy, not yet a man. All I need is time, a moment that is mine, while I'm in between. (Ha-ha.) <-- I had to add that because some people take what I say too literally. <-- I also had to add this because I'm concerned that no one might get the Britney reference. <-- Now this makes me feel a little self-conscious.

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