Friday, July 02, 2010

The Complete Animated Series

1. The Exams Will Never End
Although the JCTs are now over, the papers have left me reeling with the trauma of squeezing 4 five-page essays in the span of 3 hours, which sounds like an uncomfortable eternity in a crowded polyclinic, but is really the equivalent of a 42km dash. I'll need performance enhancing drugs for Prelims now.

2. I Am A Scene Kid
Broken Social Scene and Belle & Sebastian are a'coming to Singapore! And, somehow, I've managed to snag tickets to watch them perform. Cue shock, disbelief.

3. The Intellectual Death Of My Grandparents
One either dies young and glamorous, or old and toothy. Some people have opted for the latter, and now lead a quiet but happy existence under the patience of their loving family. Only that this patience is wearing thin.

4. The Mind-Forged Manacles I Hear
Let's examine "mind-forged" - it is constructed in the interior. It is of the mind. There is no independent reality to it. Ontologically, you only call this to existence through the act of naming. "I Hear" - McLuhan argues, in The Medium Is The Massage, that we are subject to receiving information through sound without having the ability to shut the flow of aural information. The Hearer can make no choice. Likewise, "manacles" - the connotation of shackles, fetters and bonds.

5. All The Ducks Are Swimming In The Water
It's raining so heavily! I'm glad I live high-rise. Apartment life absolutely rocks. (On the other hand, having a shoebox for a bedroom does not.) Also, I'll probably have to kayak to Orchard tomorrow.

This makes me very happy.

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