Tuesday, July 13, 2010

this is the wind in a field of corn

1. I fail econs forever
Dear Economics Department,
I know you only want the best for me, and that you have sacrificed much sleep, sanity and joy to spend time teaching me the joys of Keynesian fiscal policies and that feeling of "Yes I am econs god!" after recommending appropriate policies and then cleverly evaluating them AND contextualizing them to Singapore's economy or maybe someplace exotic e.g. Swaziland, Namibia or maybe an Eastern European micronation. However, as I fumble with my exam scripts with the shock of Haitian earthquake victims, I am led to spitefully (and yes I admit, immaturely) decry Economics as a measly social science that will never measure up to the reliability of the natural sciences! C'MON, GIVE UP THE GAME, ECONS: YOU'RE JUST A SOCIAL SCIENCE. TAKE THAT, SLOMAN! NOTHING CAN SAVE YOU! NOT EVEN BEHAVIORAL ECONOMICS! (This geeky moment ends here.)

2. Please let it not be Hodgkin's lymphoma
I have a lump on the back of my neck and it's stirring up the googling hypochondriac in me. Maybe it's just an inflamed lymph node, but either way, it's the most inconvenient thing to have right now during IS season. Financially, I hope my insurer doesn't turn its back on me. Spiritually, I don't mind having something to remind me of the fragility of one's existence. Artistically, this will bode well if the assumption that creative energy stems from periods of strife holds true. Superficially, the weight loss is going to render my clothes unwearable (and after the stocking up in NYC too!), but the waif look will always be somewhat in. Either way, we're all going to die, so whatever.

3. This is IS hell
What? I remember being really excited and totally nerdin' it up for independent study year. Perhaps I've been a victim of interpellation: the general concern for pre-college paper mill workers has always been a given and I have bought into the idea. Well at least I have a support group of similarly panicked individuals to fall back on. Anyway, for those who are interested, (oh, please be! I just want you to read my ideas! Weep at the brilliant portions and nod appreciatively at the more pedestrian bits! Ask me for PDFs, bound copies, fairtrade pulp editions, whatever!) I'm researching the Beat Generation for Literature, and Singaporean cinema and identity for KI. This is actually fun.

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