Saturday, July 23, 2011


After reading Super Sad True Love Story and The Handmaid's Tale (finally), I am struck by the many similarities in the authors' convergent visions of the future: literacy is either obsolete or oppressed, public spaces have become so sexualized that radical movements have risen to spur a dramatic return to a chastity and purity, and religion (in particular Christianity) creates agency for the politicization of erstwhile primarily social concerns.

I think it's a scary combination, and I will instead read something frivolous like Julie & Julia because I don't intend to contemplate the future right now. I meant that in an ironically flippant way. 

I'm falling ill. I am supposed to be watching HP7 later. I am supposed to be watching it with smuggled curry fries and a large milk tea, but now all I want is a crisp head of lettuce to munch on, like a fluffy bunny. Not that I am comparing myself to aforementioned fluffy bunny. I hate cinemas and their monopoly on crappy food. I want to grab handfuls of popcorn and throw it at the manager, saying Your food sucks egg (I mean, have you seen how much they charge for those tepid cheesy hotdogs? It's downright disrespectful.) I want to fling the popcorn passive-aggressively around the movie theatre. I want to make a German Expressionist film in stop-motion using popcorn. I want to graphically and violently destroy the popcorn in time to mournful bassoon music. The very action of contemplating cinema food makes me so angry. I am also angry because of my cold. 

This post sucks.

Here is a picture to make it better.

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