Saturday, July 30, 2011

what I want to do after december 2012, because it's never too early to plan

  1. Complete my wall of Penguin book covers (because my dad bought the postcard box set some time back and now it's sitting around looking very fashionable but also forlorn.)
  2. Paint a wall saffron
  3. Make a batch of macarons (sea salt and caramel). All my culinary hopes and dreams are banking on this.
  4. Run some marathon without getting caught on camera and then having to untag photos on Facebook because a very small and select group of humans look good when running and I don't belong to this small and select group.
  5. Book a flight to NYC; couchsurf + make friends with someone of non-Asiatic ethnicity who can make amazing fish tacos and have secret 30 Rock in-jokes with + "lose myself" + "find myself again"
  6. Finish reading Infinite Jest — it is not a portable read.
  7. Canoeing expedition
  8. Kayaking expedition
  9. Mountaineering expedition
  10. Skiing expedition
  11. Super-secret-spying expedition
  12. Prison Break expedition
  13. Grow a herb
  14. Hang out with friends in the spirit of spontaneity and all that is cavalier + avoid annoying them
  15. "Fight crime" (this is subject to interpretation)
  16. Buy an iPhone and then disparage it for being too mainstream
  17. Learn how to drive
  18. Feel sad about not getting a car
  19. Become bitter about not having a car but then reconciling bitterness with renewed sense of eco-friendliness + entitlement to self-righteousness at the EZ-link top up station
  20. Frost cupcakes in unconventional ways: "Surprise! That wasn't chocolate!" cupcakes, "Orientalism" curried potato cupcakes to celebrate the life of Edward Said, organic gluten-free vegan "Nouveau Upper Middle Class" celeriac, marjoram and agave nectar cupcakes, poverty cupcakes (brushing of demerara symbolizing dust, grit of hard labour), "politicized masses" oatmeal raisin cupcakes, Post-Cupcakes, Post-Post-Cupcakes, "She felt something move in the attic" detective night cupcakes in celebration of Agatha Christie's birthday, "Cupcakes Against Interpretation" "cupcakes" in celebration of Susan Sontag's birthday, etc. etc. etc.
  21. Throw a hissy fit on my 21st birthday.
Fun! Fun! Fun!

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