Friday, October 07, 2005

a story of shower gel and shampoo containers

WARNING! The following content is not suitable for individuals unable to tolerate high levels of wushiemushie surreal bathroom container love.

Once upon a time, there lived some toiletery bottles. There was this super popular satsuma shower gel bottle (from BODY SHOP somemore lehhs), a smaller, more compact travel sized version of Tomato Juice It™ shampoo, a container of Gatsby Ultra Hold Gel that the other bottles thought was SO COOL because you know, styling containers are the elite of the bottle society, there was also this tea tree facial scrub that came with fancy packaging, a nearly empty 560ml HUGE ice-cream scented bubble bath bottle and a sophisticated L'Occitane Shaving cream tube. Now anyway they didn't really know each other but when this HUGE person cleaned out the bathroom, they somehow managed to end up in this cold clammy totally unglam plastic red bucket. So the Satsuma Shower Gel bottle said:
"Let's be friends!"
Her little clique which consisted of the travel sized Tomato Juice It™ Shampoo and the tea tree scrub realized all the cool dudes they'd be getting (well. at least that's what some of them thought) and got pretty much excited. Afterall, they could travel regularly to to THE MIRROR and look at themselves and pose like crazy. Now. They had been getting along very well until. UNTIL.

The containers looked on as other bottles looked on and gasped.

However, he was taken already. Standing next to him was an Oral B toothbrush with cross action bristles with *GASP* PURPLE INDICATORS! The Satsuma Shower gel screamed in dismay when her dreams of getting hitched to a HAIR WAX CONTAINER and *GASP* EXCHANGING INTERIOR CONTENTS were brutally dashed.

Just then, the Chanel No˚5 entered the room and said,"Dah-lings. use hair clay. It's so much more sexy. Oh I like banana moisterizers =) "

What's the moral of the story?
Exfoliate your face regularly :):)

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