Saturday, January 07, 2006

grey wallet on scanner

So I had a lack of creativity this evening. And I'm naming my blog titles after things that i see sitting around me. Usually inanimate, so sometimes that includes my sister listening to Blink-182. (with a hyphen, as I have painfully found out a few days before.)

But I have to thank the following people for reminding me that I'm 14! Thanks to:
- Jun Da who loves Mars bars but gave me Snickers instead.
- Joelle and Sherilyn who gave me a pen and handphone accessory, both with those cute little rubber men that you sometimes get from Korea. x)
- Zizhao who was the first person to wish me Happy Birthday in sms!
- My parents and grandparents who gave me the beautiful stuff that comes in red packets.
- Esther, my favourite-st sister in the whole friggin' universe who gave me $10 because she was too sick to get me a proper birthday present.
- YF-ers whom I shook hands with till they went numb!
- SL people that are too many to name!
- Yunjia who wrote me a friendster testimonial that I've yet to reply!
- Sherilyn again who sent me a birthday sms!
- Elizabeth from debate who also sent me a birthday sms!
- Mingting whom i shook hands with 3 times on Thursday!
- Lisa!
- Vera Li Shi Ying who suddenly realized it's my birthday
- Wei Yao!
- Marcus!
- Yiting and the happy birthday email
- Gen who sent me a belated birthday sms x)
- Wei Yeat!
- Leonard!
- Other choir people!
- 203 '06!
- Other people that cannot be named! heh..


I've also met my new juniors (esp. 101 you guys keep rocking!) Sec 1s this year are so cute in a good way that i can tolerate! Most of them, anyway =P

* It is a feel-good post *

EDIT 13th JAN!
Thank YOU to my FABULOUS dg! (jiansheng, daryl, ruihao, gareth) for the very cute card and t-shirt x)

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