Friday, December 16, 2005



okay. phew. I feel sort of better.


I've realized my ipod mini is gone. like, you know, sudden realization, aftershocks, etc. etc.

they say it's a psychological thing. GAWD. I'm SO MAD. ARGH. GNASH TEETH.



Oh actually i feel like upchucking because I've been through and seen disgusting human behaviour (which bores me, by the way) everywhere I went.

sometimes i think i'm too nice =like, nice as in, the kind that makes people take you for-granted and stuff?

and i have realized that when people say that 'oh my nose is not that big' they're just saying it and it's really my fault that I'm so bloody self-conscious and shallow enough to nickname myself after my biggest insecurity.

but I shouldn't be angry at them. Really. They're trying to be nice to whiny-whiny me who is, in fact, a sad loser who looks like a FREAK and starts feeling like a bad emo-rock song when I lament my bitter fate of existance on cruel soil.

i hate my hair.


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