Thursday, February 02, 2006

i miss being young, says my old soul.

I'm trying, very hard, to maintain my sanity while caught up in this whirlwind of homework, assignments, friends, tests, money, material stuff etc. (offtopic-just remembered that some classmate of mine actually speaks 'etc' as YEE-TEE-SEE. I find it rather sadly-pathetically-funny. Whoops. Shouldn't really go on rambling. cuz' I'm such a good student I've just learnt today from English lesson about sticking to my Topic Sentence. )
So, anyway, it suddenly occurred to me that:

1) This year is My Streaming Year of Great Doom.
2) Next year is going to be The Year Of Laughing at Short People in Long Pants
3) My bag would turn 4 years old next year. It already has a very cool vintage-wash look. Sort of cool. Maybe not. Nevermind.

Stalker Update:
- Apparently trying to get closer and closer to A*****? Has she popped the question to him? Sources tell me that she gives the Look Of Death And Great Darkness whenever some other girl talks to him.
- Stalker Sighting with *someone* who is *close* to her and is *male* at the Bus Stop Of Great Disgust (the one after the overhead bridge at Hougang Ave. 3? or was it 8? But the same road that the Bowen bus stop was on anyway.
- Stalker seen staring at S*****e during SPA, Physics, English, Literature and PC.
- According to a reliable friend, Stalker will no longer be able to stand next (or try to stand as close as possible) to S***** during CCA because of a switch in rows.
- Might be smelling the chairs and tables and bags and books of the Victims.

Then again, I musn't try to sound like the GossipGirl novels that my sister loves so much. And Stalker shouldn't feature so much in my post, although it's (sort of) tragically funny to talk about her ambitious ideas (of being despo)

I have lots of stories 'to save for the grandchildren'.

Oh no. Zahran is leaving 203 tomorrow for 204 because of an error in the timetable. Sucky sucky suckiness. =|

and 204 happens to have an overwhelming supply of 'extra people'.


Homework left as of 10.40 PM -
1) E Maths TB Questions
2) Chinese Journal
3) Literature Speech about 'starting school later in the day' that I should be able to come out with in 3 minutes.
4) Minutes of the Brothers' Retreat Committee Meeting.

I am not looking forward to tomorrow because-
1) Choir. Sick of practising and trying to tolerate many people's nonsense which they think is totally funny. Sick of doing Choreography for the less-than-perfect musical. But they have to be done. Argh.
2) Maths test. SCALES. I totally forgot how to do scales. Tragic, really.
3) I think there's Art and I haven't wrapped up my art folio yet. Argh.
4) I'm disgusted and tired already of looking at so many faces-of-bu-shuangness in school.

I should be looking forward to school tomorrow because-
1) I'll get to see all the people that I love and care for deeply (in a severely platonic way, mind you. Don't get too weirdly excited. )
2) Umm. Maybe the first point was already a good incentive?
3) TGIF. ?
4) Oh. And my cousin is having a farewell party before she leaves with her husband and kids for the US of A !

smiles (:

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