Sunday, April 30, 2006

there goes my labour day holiday that i need for my survival

No one cares! I mean, who cares that I need the time tomorrow very very desperately to complete the stuff that i have to do for art to get my CA1 marks? Who cares that i absolutely hate getting wet and playing games? I hate games. I don't have time for games. Even as a child I hated games. Games do NOT equate fun for me. I prefer having fun doing graphic design, or maybe playing the clarinet or practising my piano, or even trying to debate. I don't do games. And that's why you don't see me getting all wild and boring holes into my own skull of undesire by playing games.

Games are for kiddies. I am not a kid.

And that also would explain my hatred for camps. I hate: camps, especially the ones in school! Which are pointless and they are all the same anyway: 1st day: icebreakers (newspaper game, human entanglement game, whacko, and if i'm unlucky, police and thief/cat and mouse) later there will be water bombs that is already a cliché but ya know, not many people realize it. 1st night: trying to sleep but can't sleep. tsk. 2nd day: wake up early to have, the horror! the irritation! — Physical training! (Yes, not even members of aesthetic groups can escape from the tedious and enraging excercises that uniform groups do) and later in the day there will be station games (which i'm tired of already), but if lady luck smiles upon me, treasure hunt, which is fun-ner that station games. I hate pretending to be in some war with water warfare because it involves getting wet. So there. 2nd night: manages to sleep, but will be woken up for freaking inconsiderate fire drill. if [a certain unmentionable camp] decides to have a fire drill to humiliate us again, i will be so quitting that [unmentionable organization]. Words alone can never express the fury that come from me when people hold a fire drill in the night and purposely hide people around school. Like that will really happen. Or, what they always harp on, like everyone will really bond together. No, I'm not some magical protein/calcium glue that can form strong, emotionally-dependant(I say prone to emotional blackmail) friendships that 'will last a lifetime'. Ha. Ha. I can already hear the weak laughter in my head.

No actually, inside of me, I'm shrieking with laughter.

Enough about camps. The non-school kinds should be okay.

And to clarify, it's the physical kinds of games (in which you have to run around and laugh like a moron) that I will never find favour in my eyes. Not the kinds that make you think (eg. some game that i can't think of right now but i'm sure it would be very cool)

... And other stuff. The under-14/(or was it 15?) debating tournaments are coming soon. Around my exam period. So, will this affect my level position and ability to get the coveted triple-sciences subject stream? Maybe next year I'll be looking through my old blog posts and laughing at my own lack of profundity and thought.

Did I mention my labour day holiday is now gone? I'm on the brink of collapsing.

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