Thursday, March 20, 2008

Melizo IV

Melizo IV was awesome and terrific and amazing and surreal and super cool! I could really sense loads of energy coming from the choir, and entering the stage for the first time in the concert is one of those experiences you keep replaying in your head after the entire thing just to comprehend the whole awesomeness of it. And sneaking off to peek at the choir from the windows in the front doors in-between my scenes was probably the most poignant memory I have, because the stage was awash in orange lights and everyone was bathed in sepia tones that gave the musical a very arthouse-y aesthetic.

Now, much like post-natal depression, I'm feeling a sense of emptiness after Melizo ended. There's a rose in my kitchen and stacks of chocolate gifted by friends in the kitchen awaiting my recovery from a bad throat, and these are but all the last remaining vestiges of Melizo IV. I wonder what the next musical will be, but I have a feeling that we'll be departing from our usual Disney fare.

I shan't speculate though! And had this strange urge to hug the seniors on that day in my fluffy brown costume, but it would have been, like, really creepy. I think that choir seniors are totally boss (okay I know, pretentious Juno quote), because they were backstage helping out, and passing me water and stuff when I realized that I was losing my voice minutes before the musical started.

I really can't wait for Melizo V! :D

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