Sunday, June 26, 2011


Motto for July: a macaron a day keeps the therapist at bay.

Why am I weary of TCM? Is this a willpower deficiency on my part? Has exposure to science led to a categorical condemnation of non-Western therapy? Is there an experience of imperialism implicit here?

I have decided to be anarchopacifist until I am convinced that the justifications for militarism as necessary for deterrence have legitimate grounding. I am a medic and I save lives. I skip the final line of the pledge. No complicity in state-sanctioned violence and suffering, thanks. Cheer.

The passing of the marriage equality act in NY today (saw it live on twitter, you guys) is amazing and I'm glad it happened. It doesn't cheapen marriage; it reaffirms the institution based on principle - of love and commitment - rather than shallow heteronormativity. To limit marriage by gender is to undermine its core. But tomorrow I expect that people in church are going to lambast it and I will be "corrected" if I seem to condone it. Y'all, according to the Bible, it's also a sin to mix your textiles. Just a thought. (Also I know that that's from the Law which we are spiritually exempt and delivered from, but it's just an example of how people craft a weird theology founded on dubious and power-laced interpretations.)

I suddenly feel like making black bean and salsa vegan-friendly burgers for my family but I am concerned that this will give everyone gas. Sad thought.

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