Wednesday, January 25, 2012

rare narrative

I have organized this year's CNY takings into a neat table (complete with a bar graph!!), so right now I feel like the Demigod of Information Management.

The Weekend in Review

Friday: There was a typhoon in the West. After winning a bowling prize (!) I went home, sat around and bummed, read a book (I forgot what else I did) (oh yeah I ran in the evening, and while doing cool-downs, this little girl asked her parents why I was bending over like that, that tiny bitch)
Saturday: Had "soft bone chicken" and "red miso ramen" for dinner before watching Wicked in the evening; was gifted a bag of artisanal espresso beans by my favorite people; yes it was a good day. 
Sunday: After church, had lunch at Taiwanese place which left us hungrier; slept like a pig before being woken up for CNY dinner; forgot everything that happened from 7 pm to 9 am the next morning.
Monday: CNY at the mom's side (say YES to pork belly nirvana!), declared lunch "the only meal I'm having today", guilt run at night
Tuesday: Lowbrow breakfast watching ABA eat this mysterious sandwich from LJS, purchased The Mind's Eye by Oliver Sacks and this collection of Umberto Eco's essays on literature from Booksactually, felt good inside for supporting an independent bookstore and publisher, went to SMW's to graze on gourmet sausages, breadsticks with exotic dips, salad with this Japanese sesame dressing that heaven bestowed upon humankind, said Hi to a very pale MX who had flown in earlier from Bali, went home and laughed at Sister because she had school the next day.
Wednesday: Woke up for a run around the park, visited Page One, felt a little sad that it was closing but also glad because the wavy shelves had a way with making me feel quite queasy (especially with the waterfront view), bumped into L my fun crazy senior from the days of yore, L demanded I recommend some good books so I was like "Yes Fitzgerald's good", bought a book about early 20th century feminist anarchism and Jude the Obscure, endured a train ride with a mainlander talking at 200000 dB next to my year. 

Back to work tomorrow, sigh. After which, it's preparation for an audition (!) and the SATs (!!). In all honesty, I do like that I have things to keep me near the level of Crazy Busy, just like the good old days.

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