Monday, July 31, 2006

mundane is my monday

Today was a pretty hyper day!
I reached school while it was still puring outside. In the darkness. And met my mentee on the bus. But anyway, I spent the rest of the morning struggling to find even the tiniest source of warmth, other than the bunsen burners in the chem lab. It felt horrible to be cold, and worse to see people huddled in their jackets providing comments on 'today's q rather chilly day it's probably the rain hahaha it's so cold'. Ironic, isn't it? The temperature is always either too high or too low. And even if they struck a balance, we wouldn't notice it anyway. We're so desensitized by air-conditioning now.

I always dread assembly. I don't like the crowds and the noise and the boredom. And as I walked with an awkwardly sheepish look on my face to the hall because I was carrying Sherina's pastel pink Victoria's Secret shopping bag, I was met by the perturbed stares of many. Because everyone hates being pushed around and being told to move to the right, probably. Or maybe because my hair was really, really messy and all over the place, a head with a paddy field growing out of one's scalp staring back from the reflection in the home econs room?

But today's assembly was fun-ner because they were showcasing some drama performances, which was rather amusing, really, because of the juxtapositioning of real characters and make-believe emotions of the people acting. Frankly, it was initially very difficult at first to take them seriously, but soon I became rather, should I say, intrigued by the whole complicated charade. But calling it a charade would undermine it's artistic values. It was good effort by everyone, and nice to notice some fresh faces that we don't often see acting on stage. But it was an eye-opener, not due to their plot and facts they wanted to present to us, but due to the vastness of creativity that some posessed, to compromise for the space constraints and a non-existant budget. (not forgetting, of course, time constraints and social barriers that were tough tall hurdle to overcome)

And when entering the classroom, I suddenly remembered Shaojie's chocolate chip cookies that he was going to make (and then, already had made) for home econs. I've never really tasted such a good homemade cookie before, but then again, it was all already premixed and packaged. I couldn't taste the love in the dough. Maybe it only appealed to me on a superficial level, of taste and sensory delights, but it felt manufactured and insincere, like a mass-produced Christmas card that insurance companies sometimes give out in December.

Sadly, on the double decker 55 that I sat on, I had suddenly realized that the geography test was tomorrow and I didn't bring back my textbook, sending me into a frenzy of panic and instinctively I had an urge to mug zealously.

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