Thursday, September 18, 2008

this is the day

Major, major news!
Have finally managed to get A1s for Bio and A maths and E maths! *\O/* Thank God. Now I can heave a huge sigh of relief.
Although admittedly, they were for rather easy papers. But still! I think they still count towards some measure of success and feelings of accomplishment. Will work even harder now, although the days still crawl by and I can't wait for the last day of school to arrive.

I cannot believe how annoyingly general the answer scheme for biology was; I had thought it was all about specificity and being a stickler for spelling and usage of exact terminology and the rest of the nitpicking pettiness that we were paranoid would spell out the difference between a distinction and a pass. But that is only peripheral to the main source of my ire today.

It's an oblivion to the obvious, that others have pointed out rather ruefully, which is disturbing me. Perhaps it's the everyday routine of hearing and experiencing this that has desensitized me from such annoyances. However, it did come as a shock to me that others have started to view this with jaundiced eyes and countenances that would not unfrown themselves. In fact, the more I inspect the situation, paying closer to the details that have incurred the displeasure of others, the more I realize that this new and revealing piece of information has insidiously sown its seeds of contempt within me to the point where I cruelly sneer inside every time I am met with the same pieces of conversation that they so deride. This is perturbing me and it probes at the transient nature of our social lives.

And yes I had to be deliberately cryptic and polysyllabic! I just hope it'll come to pass, because I will soon be tempted to smack the person very hard with my bio textbook. Metaphysically, of course!

I want to go for the lasalle dance showcase! Does anyone else want to come? It's not like the school will drag you out from the audience and punish your conscience for idleness, or whatever reasons people give.

(I can't snap out of a certain tone when I write sometimes.
Shuffle does not know me well enough.)

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