Saturday, October 23, 2010


AM: Woke up. First conversation I had was with my grandmother who wanted me to get her a mobile phone. I'm thinking, what's new. While eating a roasted soya bean and pumpkin seed mix (delicious, by the way), I contemplated ways to work around the Mobile Phone Issue. I thought of feigning death, and having seen how she handled my grandfather's stroke, I would most likely be left alone on the floor. Alternatively, I could also burst out crying, ripping off my t-shirt and smearing Greek yoghurt violently and agitatedly all over my hair to scare her out of the kitchen. 

I am not a mean grandson — it's just that vision and hearing-impaired octogenarians and near-microscopic devices do not a happy partnership make. I found a company that designs mobile phones for "seniors", but the emergency SOS button at the back of every handset is more likely to invite countless false alarms than give us a peace of mind. 

LATER: Met J and C at AMK library. C, being smaller and more agile, sprinted into the library as the glass doors slid open and the crowd of studious and desperate teenagers diffused sullenly inside. My slipper fell off while I politely elbowed and shoved my way up the stairs. Also: met SY, LM, MX (who seemed genuinely shocked to encounter me) and C (on the bus, telling me about her new house in Bishan). Tried to complete a brilliant essay on Duffy; heartbreak ensued. Brushed up case study knowledge for SEA history; dozed off. Bibimbap lunch = new favourite meal.

PM: Went to NTUC to purchase baking supplies for carrot cake cupcakes. I remembered to get everything but the carrots.

TOMORROW: Nike 10k Run — may I magically develop streamlined features on my body and slice through the haze like a hot knife through butter. May I also have a life-altering Forrest Gump moment as I dash past the Nigerian/Tanzanian/Jamaican/etc. guest runners at the last 500 metres. May I not pass out 5  minutes into the race. May I wake up on time. 

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