Monday, October 25, 2010


1. This is supposedly the last day of school, but here I am, finding myself packing my school bag for lessons tomorrow. It makes the farewell concert a very elaborate farce, but in a good way, because it was so campy to begin with. (K-pop parodies and photomontages of the same people over and over again, anyone?) It was all very showy good fun. I especially loved the lit department's item, in which Ms W rekindled old wounds wrought from the "zen koan" form, Ms C and T went clubbing and sang songs, while Ms N emerged resplendent in green uniform as Lit Ingenue Most Annoying and proceeded to make frantic and panicked phone calls to her tutors. Sigh, literature pride — now to get my grubby, ink-stained hands on a certain 100 pounds + work on brilliance of expression because every essay is now a delicate performance that straddles a very bohemian sort of impetuousness with the controlled persuasion of the rational mind.

2. Also, the Importance of Being Earnest themed party was sort-of-a-success. Ms C and N came in with cucumber sandwiches and muffins from Cedele, and I brought in carrot cake cupcakes, having worked my ass off grating three damn cups of carrots by hand for the whole of yesterday afternoon. (For the record, I only do this for people I truly love.) For tea, we had bottled ice lemon tea and green tea from Pokka, which can, I guess, in theory, be still considered "tea" if standards and expectations were to be lowered. However, movements were not delicate, and dainty pinky action was painfully forced. Wilde continues to roll in his grave.

3. A brief moment of quiet introspection: do I really want to spend 8 years of my life in the public service? Or do I just want to want?

4. The medication I'm taking for my leprosy — I mean, the zit from hell — has weight-gain as a side-effect.  (Source: Wikipedia.) It's all about trade-offs: one can either be slim and covered in acne, or of impeccable complexion but morbidly obese. Life sucks inasmuch as appearances concern you the most.

5. Sister is bemoaning the loss of a mark because of one mistake in the vocabulary section of the English Paper. National examination fever has now descended upon the Lee household, but my grandparents' mobile phone ferment continues to exist unrivaled. 

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