Thursday, January 20, 2011

hello crabbiness

It is so difficult to articulate how truly insipid Singaporean life is, only because there are so many ways to begin, so many places to start a long-drawn but necessary diatribe. 

If you do read the newspapers, there are at least three articles every day (barring letters to the forum — now that's another joke altogether) that so amazingly and succinctly encapsulate the tragedy of living here. Here's what gave me seizures over the swiss roll I had for breakfast:

North-South Expressway to ease CTE congestion — this isn't a very sustainable way to handle congestion, guys. Also congestion usually indicates a much larger problem... i.e. TOO MANY PEOPLE TOO LITTLE SPACE. Also, why isn't there anything about eminent domain issues? Or at least, why is this relegated to the closing paragraphs on A6? THINK OF THE POOR GRIEVING NUNS. SHAME ON YOU. 

10 Ways to have more babies, No. 8: "Scare couples into having kids" — After going WHAT THE FUCK? in a voice not unlike that of Naomi Klein, I feel a terrible urge to ridicule the entire enterprise of actively shoving babymaking into Singaporean faces.

Daring to eat alone, but doing it quietly — Why is this even here? And wearing self-righteous t-shirts to cover up a mealtime complex? Why is eating alone suddenly so uncool? I would wear a t-shirt that says IN LIFE, YOU OCCASIONALLY HAVE TO EAT ALONE. GET OVER IT LOL.

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