Saturday, February 07, 2009

OG14 is love <3

I feel really exhausted now and can't wait for lectures to start next week! My history notes are riddled with typos and as you may know this drives me nuts because I'll end up concentrating more on trying to figure what the point should be than it's real meaning and implications etc. etc.

OK, O Night was ultra fun! There was a band performing at the end of O night and we were screaming and jumping and dancing and head-banging and body-slamming (just kidding! maybe not the last two), and we didn't even have dinner before that!

The band played Zombie by The Cranberries too, which is totally like my favorite 90s anthem zomgrofl.

Actually the highest point in my opinion was during the battle of the titans at the field. I wasn't playing, but I was cheering at the front with others from OG14 and shouting our lungs out! I think that really drained much of my energy and I ended up feeling slightly tired during the rest of the evening.

Anyway we totally brought the house/canteen down with cheering! I can't scream or do that "whooo" thing that everyone else does when they're cheering and I'm totally in envy of everyone else who can!

Time to mug for history~~ since I have notes already. (ha-ha.)

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