Thursday, April 23, 2009

and argh it's suddenly 10 PM!

If anything, today was a day of academic platitude — my assignments came back with comments like "marred by the lack of analytical focus" and "started off on the wrong footing and waddled all the way through". Things that I usually get a "gd" for begot mere insubstantial and perfunctory "OK"s, and I could not help but feel the disappointment radiating from the red ink, along with the niggling sense at the back of my mind that my name was slowly carving a niche out for itself in the grey stone tablet of Mediocrity.

To be fair, I did do relatively (and that's a BIG "relatively") well for the int'l history essay assignment and my tutorial had one big red fat smiley face with a line for a nose scrawled alongside emphatically underscored words with strokes that shook with the mild and controlled exuberance of a possibly rewarding teaching experience in the near future. However, this was not to be.

In a tragic turn of events, I tumbled into Math tutorial/test today missing a pad of foolscap, forgetting to bring my completed tutorials to hand in, and fighting against the breeze that NEVER comes at the right times (i.e. during actual lessons when we are slowly being steamed within). And when I started doing the test, I blanked out in frustration and ended up attempting the thing from the last question to the front.

So right now I'm trying to think of different and original ways to answer the question, which will sound like "what happened??", when I receive the test next week. Help!

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