Sunday, May 24, 2009


Hi guys, thanks for the well-wishes on the tagboard and everything! Would reply to every single comment but tomorrow's Rationalism and Empiricism "In-Class Assignment" looms like a dark ominous cloud amidst clear blue skies that herald the advent of holidays, rejuvenation, frolicking among pastoral images and room for a much-needed "personal renaissance", of sorts.

Anyway, Reflections X was a major success, and everyone's flowers are still alive and well on my very cluttered desk, which I am now tempted to refer to as "The Lair". I watched the drama production on Saturday too and my goosebump-count was somewhere in the thousands, and especially so in the sub-arctic conditions of the spanking new black box theatre. But when someone read "Boats" by Cyril Wong as a monologue, my hair erector muscles went on overdrive and I went into a state of near-religious bliss while thinking that this is probably the best 15 bucks I've every spent in my short and so-far prosaic life.

I made pesto to toss with spaghetti for dinner, and served it with an enoki and parmesan omelet-frittata thing. Would feel like a highly-accomplished and motivated individual if not for the mountain of work that I will now attempt to scale.

Side-note: I'm really gonna miss the J2s and Hairspray and concert prep and the craziness in general, now that there's a choir-shaped vacuum in my schedule which I will now attempt to fill up with cookie dough ice cream.

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