Wednesday, July 08, 2009

cracking jokes that no one laughs at

Today wasn't so bad. I got caught in the mid-morning rush, had a headache and nose like a clogged sink for the whole day, strained my neck during civics, then spent the rest of the afternoon worrying myself to death about JCT results.

I went to HMV to kill some time while waiting for my parents, and to my horror, found myself at the epicentre of the I-Can't-Get-Over-Michael-Jackson's-Death movement. Blaring at full volume from the speakers was Michael Jackson asking the man in the mirror to change his ways. I walked past the bestsellers' rack. Michael Jackson. I took a look at the DVDs. Michael Jackson. I rummaged through T-shirts. Michael Jackson. I looked at newspapers and magazines. Michael Jackson. I stared at the book rack. Michael Jackson. I looked into the mirror near the counter. Michael Jackson. (I'm kidding, thank God it was just me.)

Anyway, I apologize in advance for walking around looking like a train wreck. I blame it on the JCTs and other things that have no right to bother me in the first place.

There's also going to be a blood donation drive in my school! There was a talk about it (which went on forever) this afternoon, and I was thinking how much better it would have been to drain the blood out of the people at the back who clearly had all the intelligence and maturity of a bowl of oatmeal instead. This way, you save lives AND take away the inconveniences as well.

I'm so unusually grumpy. It's like a long and protracted periodic male tension nightmare really. I shall christian this week The Week of The Grumps.

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