Friday, May 19, 2006

okay I've hit breaking point.

I nearly wanted to type out an angry post filled with swear words but I think I need to calm myself down and not waste my energy by drowning in a vat of Milo.

I'm done a drawing entirely in a blue 0.38 gel pen and I want to scan it. It's filled with angst.

I'm feeling angsty these few days. Over exam results. Over people you thought you could depend on. Over conceited, self-centred, attention seeking woe is me hypocrites to their own emotions. Over the insensitivity of every single being on earth, wanting to speak their mind at the expense of other people's feelings. Over ingenuine concern that nearly every person has. Over every fucking object on earth.

Don't tell me. I know I need to chill. But I think I feel less uneasy like this. Don't suddenly start to think gasp Samuel's so insensitive and difficult to please and so proud and stuck up and arrogant and unkind but still, I know there are people out there who deserve better treatment by their peers. There are people who seem happy but they really aren't; on the other hand there are people who would rather feel happy by being depressed. There are people who change. It's not they're fault. So just accept them for who they've turned into. Or so I have learnt, the hard way. Just appreciate the diversity that we have and be yourself, not give criticism to those that are not what we expect them to turn out to be.

This post is so contradictory but I don't care anymore.

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