Saturday, May 06, 2006

Reminiscent of a pale past

So it's 12.01 am now. I'm blogging on a new Saturday.

And I was looking through my archive. Here's what I wrote a little more than a year ago in May.

A Life
Yesterday i nearly died coz i havent done so much homework, then the !%^& history project not nice enough....then it was like, most of the things i do on my usual. Then Jun da always want me in his grp coz then i can do EVEYFUKKINTHING in the project. so damn annoying. but aniwaes...

I re-ran my 2.4km again today. Then halfway through i couldn't breathe lor..then i felt like collapsing like that...then when i finish running i suddenly saw ching yi at the school gate already. then i was like, omfgwtf...he completed so early? then i pretend to be nice and asked him. and it turns out he gave up halfway. TYPICAL....... ¬¬ Good thing this time i clocked 13.40. still very bad but at least i pass lar......

tomorrow got bloody choral bloody speaking. so damn fukked up. i hate i hate i hate i hate >_< stupid akawakawaka lamerrr

And I shall use the wonderful skills/powers of reflecting that my wonderful marvelous supercalifragilisticexpelidociously amazing school has thought me.

- I don't remember any particular history projectOH!IREMEMBERNOW.
- I can't believe that I was once so incapable of running 2.4 km in under 13 minutes.
- Somehow that Chong Yi At The School Gate incident feels like it had only happened a week ago.
- And there was choral speaking the next day. Which means I felt angst and rage as I slept.

(zoom back to present)
Mother Tongue paper 1 and 2 was so-so. Except that I have this sad sick feeling that the letter-writing bit is not of passing standard. I'm rather looking forward to Monday's exams though. English Paper 1 and History. Looks like I'll be needing to stock up on pens during the weekend. But I still can't stand formal letter writing. It's like they're training us how to criticize management departments of companies at such a tender age. Ok that remark was only in jest of the hope of liberation from severe political correctness.

And afterwards I felt annoyed at myself for not putting in the effort that I needed to put in for Chinese. And to the social and educational reforms in the past century that have made me bitter and cynical of things to come. And you can raise your eyebrows in expectations of substantiation, and wondering why my sentence structure sub-department in my language department is suddenly so bad. The only conjuction I can think of now is 'and'. And and and and. I could tear out my hair in frustration!

But anyway Singapore's Polling Day is tomorrow. I'm not into politics but I strongly feel that as Singaporeans, it is our responsibility to be tracking the campaigns and rallies because they all play a part in our future. Our future. Not just the government's, or the future of those who are in the GRCs that are more heavily involved. And one day the generations after us will be sitting in the classroom as their teacher gives them a social studies lesson and makes them obligated to memorize the important dates, eg. 6 May 2006.

My drooping eyes and fatigued mind are a sign that I need/crave sleep. I shall not wake up until 12 noon later. Which means as I sleep, Singaporean voters will decide their leaders. Which means I shouldn't be sleeping til so late. Which means etc. etc.

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