Thursday, November 16, 2006

All your stupidity are belong to us

Quite happy: got into 1A3 stream. Life of megaloads of homework, here I come!

On a sidenote, I have come across a blog aptly named AdVerbatims. (it sounds like a brand of aspirin eh?) and I can totally relate. And I have tons too, eg. "Can you make your design less 'red'?" (and at that point I was rolling my eyes because apparently a million colours smooshed into a T-shirt is better than one. And apparently I wasn't caught up in the I Want To Wear My Blogskin faze. And apparently the people preferred something black and jersey-like, ya know, cuz it's like so w@y k0oL worxx. But it wasn't such an annoying situation.) and the less subtle "I like the colour, but I never said I liked your design" which was, I thought, an interesting statement. Quite interesting.

And what is it about babies? I only find them cute when they are sleeping; I can't stand the sound of a baby wailing. Even when I was a baby I might have hated being one too, because I was trying to will myself to grow up faster. I believe in keeping babies safely stowed at home, instead of exposing them outside to a world where materialism, consumerism, and strange people with the long fringes, gold hair and multiple ear piercings lurch about with hunched shoulders and acne on their faces.
(ok. something happened on my way home from Vivocity which sparked once-more, an old animosity towards babies.)

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