Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Shower addicts, mosquito bites, teriyaki boyz, and PSLE trauma

I'm back from the P6 Camp!
First and foremost, this was my first time leading a group in a camp like that, with primary school kids calling you 'cher cher' which I eventually found exasperating, and to have to listen to every single random thought that they would like to share with you. I mean, I've passed the age of fascination for repetitive monosyllables ('ba-na-na', 'pa-pa-ya', 'ah-ha-ha-ha') and deliberately slapping on slander in front of an annoying kid who happened to accidently let an insensitive remark slip through. I've stopped spending every bit of my time in front of a screen, and I actually can sit still for half and hour.

But that's being shallow and self-centred. Because amidst the pain (and loss of blood from my 42 mosquito bites) and the frustration (and shock) of having to shush loud people up, of having to get them to stay at one place and prevent dispersal, of having to deal with their insensitivity (are all P6 guys so dense and recalcitrant? eg. my sister's classmates), I realize that I was one of them when I was young too. Small, skinny/fat, myopic both optically and mentally, and probably whiney. The thought horrifies. However, I also realize that kids have an infectious personality. (well, most of it has its charm in one way of another) And I've grown to love their incessant babbling and high-pitched squeals, or the cheeky grin on their faces when they do something really wrong and win you back with their childish ways that you wished you still saw everyday. (girls usually grow up much much much faster at 12. which can explain my sister and her indie-emo-screamo obsession and slight animosity towards anything eastern, including anime. 'but sushi's OKay') Sometimes they may frustrate, but they're lovable lil guys anyway.

And I've made many new friends too! There's John, who took many many many showers in 3 days and found the scent of my body wash quite fascinating, and there's Jun1 and Jun2 who shared the same names as many other children in Singapore :P, Leonard and his Teriyaki Boyz song in his phone that's stuck in my head now, Ali and his funky hair and Ee Meng the really really chubby guy who looks like chicken little. (and wears his chicken little sleeveless top too.)

So yes. I've learnt alot, and I don't really mind the 42 mosquito bites anymore.

And now to survive Grad Night tomorrow! I hope it works out great for everyone. (and hopefully i'll be able to get transport home)

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