Monday, February 04, 2008


Woebegone, have I been afflicted with the much-dreaded Chikungunya virus? I have vomited, ran a fever, and am still suffering an oh-so-annoying-almost-crippling backache, but I don't see any mysterious welts or painful red spots on my skin (well, other than that annoying zit that has formed after being in bed for close to a day).

Or am I just down with gastric flu, which is probably just as bad, if not worse with the persistent feeling of being a tad bloated and spewing every couple of hours.

Either way, it's not driving me to the point where I start to view euthanasia as a viable way out of my pain (or rather, irritation after having to forego the Japan booth Travel Fair in school that I was supposed to be helping to coordinate, and missing out on today's a maths lesson, and not knowing the results of my chinese and bio tests, and being nagged like every minute by overly-doting grandmother to drink water and lots of barley and never take a bath because I'll catch a cold which caused her to snort when I took a shower, sick of smelling like a dishrag, and had a relapse).


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