Sunday, November 28, 2010

streams of consciousness + drowning

Ow my head hurts but I'm not terribly upset about it, because I got baptized today! V. glad my grandparents came down, as well as my fwenz A & J. My family went to Zhou's kitchen again, because it's a near a taxi stand, which supposedly helps my grandparents get around painlessly. I spent the entire afternoon shopping with parents around Novena, which was weird, because who shops at Novena anyway?? The whole family bought Salomon hiking shoes for trekking in Cradle Mountain, except me, because I am a simple man who can be content with comfortable Muji shoes. Speaking of holidays, we're all very excited and my sister now expends most of her intellectual energy on making wardrobe decisions (e.g. ensembles that revolve around the cable-knit jumper originally owned by my mum in the Eighties) and cool places to shop. Once again, being a simple man, all I am asking for is a visit to the state library in Melbourne, UNESCO City of Literature. I am looking forward to taking photographs with my cousin's DSLR + posing next to trees in the woods. Also, my head still hurts. And I need to pack my bag. I'll take a photograph of the pile of books that I'm bringing along to read. 

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