Monday, November 22, 2010

sweet dreams are made of cheese pt. 1

I'm doing an experiment with cheese and dreams, based on this article: Cheese unlocks your wildest dreams, says study.

Current cheese: Fourme_d'Ambert, and oh my goodness it smells like this certain friend's B.O., squared.

Last night, I dreamt that I came to school for Paper 5 Lit, and forgot to bring all my texts with me. And my lit tutors just widened their eyes very dramatically and told me it's just too bad. Also, I was doing three papers at the same time, and a general question about Singapore came out for the international history section. It was horrible.


Truly Hybrid Questions: Economics and Women in Literature

Explain, in detail, the subprime mortgage crisis, paying close attention to how Otherness is presented in the texts of new and traditional media.

To what extent is a discretionary fiscal policy an instrument of the patriarchy? 

Compare and contrast the respective impacts of a refusal to acknowledge the complicity between privilege and oppression, and market failure. 

"The producer-consumer binary in economics only oversimplifies."
(a) Explain how the statement radically alters the foundations of economic reasoning.
(b) Discuss alternative models to explain how commodities are distributed in a premodern society.

And in the delicatessen, from time to time, the coins
in your palm will not translate.
Referring to two or three poems, discuss the ways and means that Duffy uses to present correspondence and disjunction in her poems. Pay close attention to images depicting the economy and international trade.

"Economists don't give answers, they ask questions."
Discuss how this may or may not be relevant to any two texts that you have studied.

"Every empire aims at immortality." (Adam Smith)
Is this a fair representation of patriarchy? Discuss, relating your response to globalisation as neo-colonialism. 

"The business of business is business." (Milton Friedman)
To what extent is this reflective of firms' pricing and output decisions? Express your response in a spiral narrative, making appropriate references to the style and form of Oranges Are Not The Only Fruit.

Comparing across all three texts that you have studied, expand on how they come across as apt allusions of humanity's struggle to achieve the four macroeconomic objectives.

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