Thursday, February 15, 2007

Thank God for public holidays

While most teachers believe school holidays are really just a euphimism for non-structured curriculum time, that sort of capitalism becomes taboo in the case of public holidays! My only source of solitude and rest for now, sigh. We're gonna catch Epic Movie tomorrow, but I can't help thinking it wouldn't be as funny as Scary Movie since there's not much to make fun of.

I felt the ghost of 2005 today while decorating my class and preparing the Investiture banner. Like, the feeling of electricity in the air when everyone's buzzing about preparing AV stuff and practicing for tomorrow's celebrations? Very 60th Anniversary.

Anyway I would have elaborated more, but since people have been complaining that everything I say is too chim and boring for them to digest, I shouldn't be wasting my words. And also, since no one has the attention span of Queen Victoria at a tea party now, I guess it's time to teach the world how to nibble ever so delicately at one's raspberry jam shortcakes and enjoy the fluidity of language, or at least, whatever that's left now, since most of the existing reading materials are made up of sentence structures as simple and unreactive as noble gases.

Fortunately my post ends off on a less bitter note, because 12 schools so far have responded to the Investiture invitations we sent, though 2 of them couldn't make it (and somehow, it reeks of snobbery. Then again, I may be overly cynical and wrong). And some are schools whom we've never invited before! That's Oh So Way Cool.

i can't wait for tomorrow. And 305 people, all the best for your history test tomorrow! History is fun (though lit. is fun-ner)

(I need to think of new synonyms for 'fun'.)

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