Tuesday, April 29, 2008

yes/no/maybe/I don't know

So the chinese paper today was relatively easy, but I'm quite uneasy about the listening comprehension and paper 1, because the questions had a veneer of do-ability, but the phrasing of the questions caused me to doubt the validity of my emphasis of a few issues.

Furthermore, I had forgotten to bring along a jacket into the exam hall. I was more or less popsiclized for the entirety of the chinese exam, and by the time I got to the comprehension section, my muscles weren't responding as well as it should have been and I had to take an added amount of time and effort to ensure that my words didn't become messy scrawls. When I had finally completed paper 2, my teeth were chattering and I had to borrow cheekit's sweater to protect further heat loss.

And I'm pretty stoked about tomorrow's talk by Patricia Herbold, the US ambassador to Singapore. I'll finally hear for myself why all the TIME magazines we're reading are becoming quite annoyingly elections-centric, and why I'm throwing Obama and Clinton around on Facebook, and why the world does not care about our cabinet reshuffle.

I had a strange dream-within-a-dream when I collapsed for a rare afternoon nap today. (Apparently, chinese exams are akin to slow-reacting tranquilizers that you sit for and then fall asleep later.) I dreamt that I was at some drama camp and I was queueing up for soyabean milk, and I remember laughing to some random character that it was going to be the longest wait for soyabean milk in my life. Later on, I fell asleep in my dream and I had this confusing nightmare in which I was being attacked by an entire ant colony.

It was a strange afternoon.

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