Saturday, April 14, 2007

We. Are. So. In. The. Finals. The truth has sunk into me. I am joyful and overwhelmed. And relieved. And having mixed feelings about being the proverbial punching bag for next year's A division. And slightly worried. And annoyed with the narrow-mindedness of certain adjudicators. And amused by the way The Reader, sated with ennui, would scroll his way down to skip this paragraph due to its irksome parallel sentence structure. Will refrain from using cheesy literary conventions from this point forth. Anyway.

Homecoming Day was so awesome!! Speech day was so-so. Nauseated by the fact that we (i) have few famous notable alumni (to brag about on our school page on wikipedia. It's not like I can brag that so-and-so who happens to be a journalist who said of her school as a Big Strong Tree/a star for All The Wrong Reasons-turned-IT expert/an international supermodel came from my school) (ii) my choir costume was microwaving me and (iii) my head was still pounding from yesterday's debate.

Ice Heaven/Haven was a major success, I guess. The Ice Kachang went platinum after the second hour and we had so much fun operating the ice machine and frantically changing ice blocks. Saw a certain someone whom I might address as Mr Wide-Apart-Eyes if one was feeling particularly mean (due to past wrongdoings but that's just hearsay) and felt like criminalizing petty citizen journalism. But so-and-so tries so hard to keep that veneer of maturity polished so meticulously, one has to give extra credit for that painstaking effort. I shouldn't digress and go full force into Mr Blackwell mode, but concerns such as these have to be voiced for catharsis and for the greater good of, um, the public. Whatever.

The tang yuans were quite ok, I thought. The soup needed more sugar though, but the tang yuans were so soft and so darn good, especially with the peanuts. I think the red and green bean soup was quite good (if I liked beans in the first place, but sadly I didn't). Maybe it might have sold better if it was cold/frozen? Like potong. Argh the ideas come too late.

I met many seniors as well! Saw Lisa, Jonathan, Dylis, Darren, Benedict, Felicia (and the gang) and Aisha. Mr Nicholas Tan Wei Hung was supposed to come for Speech Day to receive his prize but I was fearing it was a no-show when his name had to be called out several times to confirm his appearance just moments before the event began. Elizabeth went off before I even said hi because she Erm Ran Out Of Coupons And Time And Energy XD ; Ok, at least I had someone to communicate with during my troubling and grievious time of furtive guarding of the central staircase, since Kiat Han wanted to go off to walk around and spend some coupons and I felt bad when Hui Ying had to accompany me in the solitude of it all.

I love 301 man. Everyone's so enthusiastic and understanding and caring, and so amazingly mature. (ok at least most of them, lol) We did many cheers (about money, which clearly exasperated all our accountants-to-be) then I left early with my mum and sis after we were dismissed so I wouldn't have known what went on after that. My sister dyed her hair red, which kind of suits her but I fear the exacerbating of whatever scalp imperfections she may have.

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