Wednesday, March 14, 2007

It's Not Raining!

No, actually it did; for about 10 minutes. That's only counted as a passing shower.

OK I've ditched the whole 'I'm too cool for imeem' club mindset but it's not like I'm going to impose my music on unsuspecting readers by ticking 'autoplay'. Rather, I'll respect their Freedom of Choice. Or something. Anyway.

Here's a random composition I did on GarageBand. (What? oh don't you know, that cool thing that's part of iLife that comes with all macs?) Sorry I'll try to refrain from sounding too evangelist.

So I cheated. It's a mash-up of GarageBand tracks. But hey I was only 13 when I did that.

I'm craving self-expression now because you have to follow a strict set of rules and conform to everything in choir, and it's not like I can substitute Visual Arts for A Maths, right? Right. Also, as part of my grandmother's Get-Grandson-Fat-And-Healthy scheme, I'm force fed Cod Liver Oil now every morning. I think she doesn't realize that I'm not 5 anymore. And I'm just tricking myself into swallowing it because it's supposedly vintage which means it's super-trendy and everything. Or I might also come up with a French name for it, since something spelt in French sounds tres yummy. Le Pétrole de Foie de morue. Tres exotique. Serve chilled with a side of caviar.

I made mushrooms for dinner. With raspberry vinaigrette. I need like, more gastronomic inspiration.

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