Monday, March 12, 2007

OKAY. It's no use pretending it didn't happen right :P But Ruimin you still have to pretend you don't know!! Like when you recieve gifts from your warm fuzzy you're supposed to act surprised, ok? :) (a la Elizabeth and the convenient valentine's day gifts!)

I feel so dimwitted but it's in a funny ha-ha way.

Ugly Betty just now was interesting. But I'm amazed that the Fashion Channel seems almost Big Brother-like. It's not that scary though, but seeing the fake plastacine faces with their spray-on bronzers was pretty scary. (In a not-so-pretty way.) However, I've totally lost the overarching plot (about the dad-son business empire thing and strained relationships in between with some complicated murder plot), so when this guy picked up a music-box as a photograph burned in the fire, I felt no sense of linkage or sudden flashes of enlightenment (the 'aha!' that one gets from watching Desperate Housewives) and could only let my mind wander away to the subject of alternative photography and photographic alteration involving heat to produce chemical reactions on the photographic paper that causes the colour to turn a pretty amber-brown shade darker than sepia to evoke a sense of nostalgia. That sort of thing.

Domo-kun is sooooo furry and fun!! I want a domo-kun handphone accessory thingy!!

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