Thursday, March 15, 2007

You know...

When you're having a tension-type headache and nothing is working, the only desirable thing to do is read trashy magazines with more pictures than words (since reading adds to the pain) and curl up and sleep wearing lots of layers.

Ugh, I've been getting frequent headaches these days, especially now that SYF is drawing near...
And my mum took me to a neurologist when I was in P3 but he said it's normal for children to have headaches since it's due to stress. In which I question angrily now: can't the stress be reduced? how does it make everything 'normal'?? I know he shrugged and mentioned something about it not being a head injury and that's good enough, but there's no tangible cure for stress-related illnesses dammit. Sometimes, I would rather they slice my head open and fiddle with my brain to make the headaches go away.

Oh yes. Tomorrow shall be a sort of chill-out day for me in which I shall do nothing but practise on the piano. I'm going to switch off any communication device and kill anyone who tries to disturb me.

Mr Yong mouthed 'not bad' after conducting See the Gipsies today! I wanted to scream with relief and joy but it would be rather inappropriate since we were performing (and also it would be just weird if we did that during a practice). See what a compliment can do to us? We kept yakking about it after the performance, since we haven't heard something like that for about a year and a half, mind you. (Actually, the teachers were gushing about Hikariga last year but it doesn't count since we've been singing that over and over again for the past 5 years)

And then I popped 2 paracetamols, courtesy of Marcus. He was like my saviour for that hour! Shortly after, Cat High went on stage to perform their pieces and someone screamed in the middle of the second piece (it was part of the performance) and I felt my headache getting better. However, the pain started to once again permeate from my temples to the rest of my head so I silently writhed in pain in that auditorium.

Interestingly, that was also the 2nd time I've been there. The first was during the Mayor's Shield last year in which some poor spectator's water bottle fell from the cursed auditorium chair-tables, starting at the top of the auditorium, rolling all the way to the bottom rows where the reserves, Angeline and I, sat. And there was this sound of a longsuffering and tortured soul groaning from the top that accompanied its embarrassing thuds. And it kept on rolling on and on for about 10 decks. It was so awkward and funny!! I tried to muffle my laughter using my canvas bag to avoid scaring Angeline whom I didn't really know very well then. I'm rambling.

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