Sunday, March 11, 2007


I need to watch a movie!! Because the world is large and most of the wholesome thought-provoking indie films don't make it past the M18 cut due to whatever stigma the Board of Film Censors might have, movies that deserve compulsory screening in schools slip past too easily. I mean, isn't everyone tired of guiltlessly CGI-ed flicks or plots that feel recycled and almost deja vu after a few seasons? Etc.

Anyway here are the films that I want to watch (if you happen to ask me out or something) and I apologize for being so picky.

1. Paprika
It's an anime about research psychotherapist with an alter-ego codenamed Paprika. I find myself more interested in anime movies rather than anime series because I find that I can't commit to all the downloading on bittorrent and the twists in plots that occur only at stretches spanning like, 50 long dreary episodes. Anyway, I think it's a cool film. Albeit the R rating it was given.

2. The Science Of Sleep
In which Stephane cannot disassociate dreams from reality and where all the characters speak with an exotic French accent. Tres chic.

3. Little Miss Sunshine
Poor me, I still have not watched it yet.

4. Edward Scissorhands
I want to watch it again this Christmas, preferably in a ski lodge with friends and a cup of steaming chai tea. Also, I look forward to watching the stage adaptation but I don't have my hopes set so high about it coming to Singapore.

5. Eraserhead
It's a surreal arthouse-type flick that has little meaning but cult following. I borrowed it from the library@esplanade but I never found the time to watch it.

6. Garden State

7. Art School Confidential
Interesting to see how Art School may be perceived, and especially how coughSOTAcough might be like.

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