Friday, November 14, 2008

by the window in the sky

Have just taken butt-numbing, ass-deadening bus rides to and from Bishan and Changi on 53. Why is it that the probability of getting to sit on the comfy plushy seats on the older 53 buses always has to be inversely proportional to the length of journey? Why? Why? It leaves me mystified.

We played monopoly and the game of life simultaneously at the viewing mall to while away the time after saying goodbye to the zhang brothers. Monopoly lasted a few geological ages (as with every other game of monopoly)! Suumph. I view it as more similar to social drinking than anything else, because I can't really appreciate in on a deeper level, and it's more of a "why not, since everyone's playing it" kind of thing. Anyway, we ended the game after about a couple of hours because we all got bored eventually.

3 a.m. apple pie at McDonald's, because it's apple pie and it's tested and ready to lead in a dangerous world.

Kailing pretending to be luggage... uhhh...

Saying bye to Zhaojin and Jingya, with Cheekit giving out the cards to them. Lots of flash photography ensued.

And we went for breakfast and walked to the T1 viewing gallery afterwards to watch the sunrise. I like the last photo because it reminds me of this album cover that I really like.

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