Sunday, January 07, 2007

Escalators, crocs

OK, I still feel rather offended but I'll forget about it... Because people tend to misunderstand things and it isn't their fault.

I've been having very strange dreams ever since the toe-ripped-off-by-escalator incident. (I think a girl's toe was severed when the side of her shoe got snagged into the gap at the side of the moving steps) And my parents also witnessed a boy's crocs getting caught at the side of the escalators at J8 and when they were going down saw a pool of blood, ew. I think just like platform shoes that ruined the ankles of many, crocs are beginning to look unsafe as well. Well you know, shoe fads keep changing.

Anyway, I have had recurring nightmares of seeing people's feet get caught in the escalators but they're still smiling until the side of the escalator swallows them up and they get crunched to a bloody pulp. But in my dreams, I'm severely myopic, so it wasn't so gruesome in the end.

I just made dinner with my dad! We prepared Turkish apple tea and made a pasta dinner with mushroom and herb sauce with red wine and ground beef and bacon. I'm sure in Italian, there's a name for that...

Suddenly the gaps at the sides of escalators seem so big and menacing with their metallic grinding teeth.

And the Arena match yesterday was really fun! (And Andrea I'm sure you did your best so no point wailing about it right. Just remember to psyche yourself up in the future!) Kumar smooshed himself in between Maxine and Rose and it was... uncomfortable but funny. I wonder what perfume he uses because it doesn't smell like it was alcohol-based. And KCP was good, for school that had just started late last year, so I think they deserve a place in the wildcard thing. Sherina and Ruimin were like totally swooning over Ashraf at the back! That was funny too.

I'm quite excited for tomorrow because it is, for me, the first day of school. And I've only been in my class for 30 minutes so I still don't know their names... shoot.

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