Monday, January 22, 2007

Shima e (To The Island)

Music by Toru Takemitsu
Lyrics by Mann Izawa

Shima E is the song that suckered me into loving choir music! OK I wouldn't have used suckered but that's the sheepish feeling I had when I realized that choral music wasn't all cheesy and lame in sec 1.

I miss being Sec 1 and seeing all the seniors get ready for SYF!!

I was just digging up electronic junk and virtual stacks of photos. Oh how I reminisce the past~ (violin plays in the distance)

I remember there was this debate outing to Yishun (where we watched the Adventures of Lava boy and Shark Girl. (I think that's more or less the title) And we had lots of fun laughing at the really really lame jokes. (Eg. 'Take shelter! There's a brainstorm approaching!' etc. We were all like 'urgh no...') And I had this obsession of photographing every meal before I ate.

Ah yes. This was after the SRJCs in 2005. Darren gave us $10 to feed my neoprint addiction, for which I'm still to this day touched yet guilty and ashamed.

The SAID tournament in 2005 as well! I'm so glad that Nelson's blocking me, cos evidently I was not having a good hair day.

The next few photos are chinchilla-oriented cos I love really really really really really really really furry and poofy animals.

I think Mochi's the first chinchilla that I've seen that sleeps like that all the time. Lazy bones!

Mochi and her dad, Pip. Pip and Zsa zsa's other daughter is with Rachel (from choir). Long, funny and interesting story.

Mochi when she was still small. Notice the tail! Notice the tail! It's so big and furry!!

This is Zsa zsa and Mochi. Zsa zsa's the relatively big and grey thing with fur. The white bit with small ears that's squished is Mochi. She was only like 4 hours old. Aaaaa! The ears!

Family photo! Now Mochi is bigger than her parents and lives in a seperate glass condo on top of them.

And the next photos are purely random.

Remember the tiger that used to 'guard' the piano area near the old dance room (now a classroom)? Legend has it that a girl jumped to her death from the low wall there and the old out-of-tune piano at the corner used to play songs without needing a pianist and the tiger there was watching everything. Or was it at the girls' toilet? Well I don't know but I've seen the dance room door open on its own before. And if you know that place, it doesn't get much wind. Cool!

Geishas I saw at Kinokuniya, probably to promote Memoirs Of A Geisha. I watched that movie with Elizabeth and Nicholas, and Ms Quek sat behind us in the same cinema! It was too funny.

Previously unreleased photos of 1E3's Homecoming Day stall!

Sherilyn at the drinks! Wristbands were still cool then. Wow. I feel old just saying that.

Chongyi! He still looks the same now.

I know Andrea'll kill me. But it's the only photo I have of the previous canteen without the fancy fittings and pro-social roundtable furniture that makes recess a social event that manifests social taboos when you sit at the wrong angle of the table to the other person; you don't get that sort of dilemma in long tables and benches.

Our sandwich board! Guess who it's modelled after ;)

Rozarios! In Perth. Look at my sweater—très hongbao chic.

Rozarios! At the last night of Kaleidoscope. It was so so so fun!

Acting spazzz. It comes so naturally innit?

Me, ZZ and Elizabeth, part of the artisan collection, at library@esplanade, dance section. I love that place. (I mean, the whole library, not just that area)

I think that was one of the coolest moments during the class chalet in 2005! We rode in a pickup truck that offered us a ride to the mall nearby after seeing our luggage-to-body size ratio.

This is my favourite photo. Don't they look so sweet, yet cunning, and at the same time, displaying Precious Moments-quality wide-eyed innocence?

You know, viewing all these photos has made me sort of happier. Because I have a Chemistry test tomorrow and am sort of worried, but not entirely anxious because it's 'relatively easy'. Hopefully!

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