Friday, August 01, 2008

Day 10 of Prelim Exams

Prelims are over! :( Nothing to look forward to now — except the release of O level Chinese results!!! :O :O :O

And EVERYONE has watched the Dark Knight now. I have no time to watch it anymore anyway. But I don't want to catch it on DVD! Movies on DVD just aren't as magical as watching them in the cinema. I think the whole movie-theatre experience amplifies the emotional intensity and tension of the brooding characters, and the (usually) brilliant sound system often adds an aural element that enhances the drama unfolding in front of us. I'm a borderline audiophile, yeah!

I think I screwed up my chem!! It was only outside the exam hall that it dawned on me that many of my answers were wrong and I COULD have known the correct ones! The last question was so unconventional — we were given a war poem, and asked to infer what gas the poem was talking about, and then select one of the 4 given options which states the correct method to test for that gas. How was I supposed to know it was chlorine?! It could have been mustard gas, or ammonia, or tear gas or sarin — the point is, we had to infer from the poem which did not create a level playing field for other students who have never taken literature nor are well-versed in chemical warfare and hence this question is unfair I demand my marks back I want an explanation we can't be thrown multi-disciplinary stuff in our current fragile state etc. etc. etc. (OK, I thought it was a very fun and original question anyway.)

Biology was fun, as always. However, I have confirmed that I have already lost two marks which is such a bummer. The thing about biology is that you can spend less than a minute per question, because the only calculations I had to do for the entire thing was to calculate surface area-to-volume ratios. So when I had finished, and realized I still had 35 minutes left, I checked my paper TO DEATH and spotted so many careless mistakes it was insane. (It was only when I reclined in my seat as the papers were being collected that it dawned on me that one of my answers should have been something else and by then, it was already too late to change it. Gah.)

Interesting: Can you guess who the person in the photo is? I couldn't. I'll bake a cookie for anyone who can. :D

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