Tuesday, August 19, 2008

dispatches from the daily grind

I DID get an A1 for literature *\O/*
And yes I screwed up the TKAM section and it nearly pulled me down to A2, how very most frightful. Fortunately, I did pretty okay for unseen poetry because unseen poetry is The Reason for me taking literature. (Okay, among many other things as well.)

(Here I am filled with a rush of dread and ennui because it's only tuesday and I still have, like, so many more days to go till the weekend. I am now starting to live for the weekends, that sole respite from the mechanical routine of memorising and route-learning and languishing in my tired old chair, propping myself up on my tired old table, smiling wanly and nodding faintly to reassure tired old teachers that Yes, I do hear your cries and Yes, I will be reminded for the nth time that I have to use a black or dark blue pen to do my exams, etc., etc., etc., as if their presence was enough to capture my very being in a suspended state of panic and anxiety.)

I am also currently enjoying listening to This American Life, which is a popular radio show in guess-where, via podcasts. I find it funny and sometimes find myself smiling and nodding mid-listen, as if I could relate to their topics. Is this odd?

Also today: english teacher was seriously absolutely killing with the narrative-writing comments/stand-up comedy act, our projection screen finally gave up on us, we expressed mild outrage after learning that we STILL have to return for chinese lessons despite the period being extra and how it's eating up into our lunch break, I've found a popsicle-product in 7-11 that is really really really worth my $1.20, and I have reconfirmed my distrust in SBS bus-timetabling during peak hours after waiting a record 20 minutes for 156 to arrive.

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