Friday, October 06, 2006

EOYs - Day 3

I can hardly believe it's Friday already.

I'm suffering from post-EL Paper 1 syndrome, where one feels intense worry over the quality of the essay written. Oh yes I get that all the time. This time, I felt, I made it sound like my most personal work, but it just sounded irritatingly rhetoric. I'm rather pleased with my Letter of Persuation though. Something about participating in a 'Go Green' competition– easy peasy.

Geography paper was really amusing. The MCQs were in fact, subtly funny if you thought about it– just by imagining Miss Ng reading out the question aloud and laughing at the mistakes. Seriously, just by doing that, I had figured out most of the answers.

I'm having feelings of nostalgy now because the sec 4s are leaving soon. Yes the sec 4s are leaving soon. I don't like this sinking feeling of knowing that the people whom you've always looked up to are going to leave in just a couple of month's time. I don't know whether Mother Bird gets this feeling everytime her young ones have learnt how to fly and leave the nest to fend for themselves in that harsh cruel world.

I don't have feathers and I ain't no mother, but I'm starting to miss my seniors already. Like Nicholas, Elizabeth, Christine, Anthony, Hazel, Jonathan, Pin Hui, Jing Bao, Yi Xuan, Lisa, Eve, Zhiqing, Baozhen (the list would get longer if I just rattled away) Reason being that I could have never imagine a person in a different level when I was in sec 1. (oh, that was just only a year ago) But for some people it can sometimes feel as if you had known them all your life. Funny, innit? I can think of purple seascapes and jelly donut clouds but can't imagine life next year without the sec 4s.

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