Saturday, October 21, 2006

More Blogthings

You Are Surrealism

Dreamy and idealistic, you've created a world that is all your own.
It's very likely that you've either dabbled in drugs or are naturally trippy.
You are always trying to push beyond the boundaries of your culture and society.
You believe that art, love, and freedom can change the world.

Cool! I'm surreal and sort of dadaist. Now if only the mainstream could appreciate that.

You Are Likely a Third Born

At your darkest moments, you feel vulnerable.
At work and school, you do best when you're comparing things.
When you love someone, you tend to like to please them.

In friendship, you are loyal to one person.
Your ideal careers are: sales, police officer, newspaper reporter, inventor, poet, and animal trainer.
You will leave your mark on the world with inventions, poetry, and inspiration.

I'm actually first-born but it would be nice to have older siblings. I've always wanted an older sibling.

Your French Name is:

Lance Charon

Hi, I'm Lance. Lance Cheron.
(It doesn't work. No.)

One more...
If You Were Born in 2893...

Your Name Would Be: Laif Aoi

And You Would Be: An Evil Space Warlord


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