okay. phew. I feel sort of better.
I've realized my ipod mini is gone. like, you know, sudden realization, aftershocks, etc. etc.
they say it's a psychological thing. GAWD. I'm SO MAD. ARGH. GNASH TEETH.
Oh actually i feel like upchucking because I've been through and seen disgusting human behaviour (which bores me, by the way) everywhere I went.
sometimes i think i'm too nice =like, nice as in, the kind that makes people take you for-granted and stuff?
and i have realized that when people say that 'oh my nose is not that big' they're just saying it and it's really my fault that I'm so bloody self-conscious and shallow enough to nickname myself after my biggest insecurity.
but I shouldn't be angry at them. Really. They're trying to be nice to whiny-whiny me who is, in fact, a sad loser who looks like a FREAK and starts feeling like a bad emo-rock song when I lament my bitter fate of existance on cruel soil.
i hate my hair.
(hmm. ihatemyhair@hotmail.com? theonewiththestupidhair@hotmail.com? myhairwillalwayssuckforeverandeveramen@hotmail.com?)
Friday, December 16, 2005
Yeah so this is what I rub into my face every morning and afternoon. x)
The tube looks different now actually.
Sort of more 'earthly/nature chic' rather than 'summer fun chic'.
(sort of)
The tube looks different now actually.
Sort of more 'earthly/nature chic' rather than 'summer fun chic'.
(sort of)
Saturday, December 10, 2005
When I tried to brush away ennui.
TASK: Open iTunes/iPod or Windows Media Player to answer the following. Go to your library. Answer, no matter how embarrasing it is.
How many songs?:
Sort by song title:
First Song: "...Baby One More Time" by Britney Spears
Last Song: "シェリーにくちづけ" by Pizzicato Five
Sort by time:
Shortest Song: Tie — "Waltz #1", Sam Phillips cues from Gilmore Girls (0:14)
Longest Song: "Beatabix's Lemon Jelly Companion" (57 mins 55 secs)
Sort by album:
First Album: "...Baby One More Time" by Britney Spears
Last Album: "You Are Free" by Cat Power
Top Five Most Played Songs:
1. "I Don't Mind" by Slumber Party
2. "Air" by Slumber Party
3. "Strawberry Sunday" by Slumber Party
4. "There She Goes" by Sixpence None The Richer
5. "99 Luftballons" by Nena
First song that comes up on Shuffle:
"Prototype" by Outkast
How many songs come up when you search for "sex"?
None =P
How many songs come up when you search for "death"?
2 - "Once Upon a Time - The Battle for Life and Death" by Good Charlotte and "A Lack Of Color" By Death Cab For Cutie
How many songs come up when you search for "love"? 103
How many songs come up when you search for "you"? 133
How many songs?:
Sort by song title:
First Song: "...Baby One More Time" by Britney Spears
Last Song: "シェリーにくちづけ" by Pizzicato Five
Sort by time:
Shortest Song: Tie — "Waltz #1", Sam Phillips cues from Gilmore Girls (0:14)
Longest Song: "Beatabix's Lemon Jelly Companion" (57 mins 55 secs)
Sort by album:
First Album: "...Baby One More Time" by Britney Spears
Last Album: "You Are Free" by Cat Power
Top Five Most Played Songs:
1. "I Don't Mind" by Slumber Party
2. "Air" by Slumber Party
3. "Strawberry Sunday" by Slumber Party
4. "There She Goes" by Sixpence None The Richer
5. "99 Luftballons" by Nena
First song that comes up on Shuffle:
"Prototype" by Outkast
How many songs come up when you search for "sex"?
None =P
How many songs come up when you search for "death"?
2 - "Once Upon a Time - The Battle for Life and Death" by Good Charlotte and "A Lack Of Color" By Death Cab For Cutie
How many songs come up when you search for "love"? 103
How many songs come up when you search for "you"? 133
How on earth did we manage to FINALLY win debates?
So at first for the first debate, we actually won KC with a 'unanimous' decision. YAY
Then the next match, we were so SUI because they paired us up with National Junior College IP Programme, and we LOST . Anyway it was quite expected. heeeh.
I'm not sure what happened to me during the third round against MGS and I totally ucked up during my speech and i was SO horrified because my screw-up kinda affected Ming Ting too. =x or what?
Anyway we don't know the EXACT results of the 4th match against KC, but we managed to jolt back to reality and we have a high chance of winning KC ^^
*is actually happy*
How on earth did we manage to FINALLY win debates?
So at first for the first debate, we actually won KC with a 'unanimous' decision. YAY
Then the next match, we were so SUI because they paired us up with National Junior College IP Programme, and we LOST . Anyway it was quite expected. heeeh.
I'm not sure what happened to me during the third round against MGS and I totally ucked up during my speech and i was SO horrified because my screw-up kinda affected Ming Ting too. =x or what?
Anyway we don't know the EXACT results of the 4th match against KC, but we managed to jolt back to reality and we have a high chance of winning KC ^^
*is actually happy*
Friday, December 09, 2005
A tree grows as we debate
I'll be at Victoria School in about 10 hours' time from now, worried as heck.
I'll be at a debate tournament at Victoria School in about 12 hours' time from now, worried as heck, stuttering slightly as I debate.
I'll be at a debate tournament at Victoria School in about 14 hours' time from now, worried as heck, stuttering slightly as I debate, having an extreme case of Arghness because I have to go through TWO more rounds of competition.
I'll be at a debate tournament at Victoria School in about 16 hours' time from now, worried as heck, stuttering slightly as I debate, having an extreme case of Arghness because I have to go through TWO more rounds of competition, debating for the second time, having an extreme case of Arghness because I have to go through one more round of competition.
I'll be at a debate tournament at Victoria School in about 18 hours' time from now, worried as heck, stuttering slightly as I debate, having an extreme case of Arghness because I have to go through TWO more rounds of competition, debating for the second time, having an extreme case of Arghness because I have to go through one more round of competition, finished the last round of debate and feeling sorta happy because everything is over and done with.
I'll be at Victoria School in about 10 hours' time from now, worried as heck.
I'll be at a debate tournament at Victoria School in about 12 hours' time from now, worried as heck, stuttering slightly as I debate.
I'll be at a debate tournament at Victoria School in about 14 hours' time from now, worried as heck, stuttering slightly as I debate, having an extreme case of Arghness because I have to go through TWO more rounds of competition.
I'll be at a debate tournament at Victoria School in about 16 hours' time from now, worried as heck, stuttering slightly as I debate, having an extreme case of Arghness because I have to go through TWO more rounds of competition, debating for the second time, having an extreme case of Arghness because I have to go through one more round of competition.
I'll be at a debate tournament at Victoria School in about 18 hours' time from now, worried as heck, stuttering slightly as I debate, having an extreme case of Arghness because I have to go through TWO more rounds of competition, debating for the second time, having an extreme case of Arghness because I have to go through one more round of competition, finished the last round of debate and feeling sorta happy because everything is over and done with.
Sunday, December 04, 2005
Listens to French electronic music and drinks unsweetened coffee as a form of therapy
It's is 3 a.m. and raining outside. He sits near his computer, typing. It rains harder and the temperature dropps still. The chill becomes the cold that ate through flesh and twisted the bones, as if splinters from a fallen twig. He stands up and reaches for his black sweater knitted on a starry night by his grandmother as he, small and frail, slept on a burgundy velvet cushion by Granny's woolen skirt and by the warm crackling log fire as the autumn breeze swept through the grass, its soft rustle a lullabye nodding him off to sleep.
There is a knock on the dorr; 3 or 4 sharp rapps on the oak veneer.
The black sweater hugging his thin figure, he walks down to answer the door, violet mug of coffee in his hand.
He pulls the door open. The gust of cold, harsh wind temporarily blinds him. Above the tiny log cottage, the cresent moon smiles alone over the green hills dulled by lack of sunlight. A red balloon floats dreamily into the starry blanket of night sky, disappearing into the wispiness of moonlight. It seems to have stopped raining.
There is a knock on the dorr; 3 or 4 sharp rapps on the oak veneer.
The black sweater hugging his thin figure, he walks down to answer the door, violet mug of coffee in his hand.
He pulls the door open. The gust of cold, harsh wind temporarily blinds him. Above the tiny log cottage, the cresent moon smiles alone over the green hills dulled by lack of sunlight. A red balloon floats dreamily into the starry blanket of night sky, disappearing into the wispiness of moonlight. It seems to have stopped raining.
Saturday, December 03, 2005
The smoothest way is full of stones
After look through my blog for like, the 35th time, i've realized everything i write sounds childish, shallow and immature. How sad.
So I promised myself today that I will blog about my inner battles with raging emotions (ergo: insatiable frustrating anger at having nothing and wanting everything), my views on social frivolities (ergo: talking non-stop, laughing at stock jokes) and the amazing miraculous ability of mine to tolerate such unimportant noise and sounds.
I attended as nice happy social function today. Actually it was a... wedding! So here is a sequence of events:
1) Complain to my sister that my hair is not stylable at all.
2) Tried styling hair for anout an hour.
3) Gives up; hair remains the same as before.
4) Arrives at wedding, realizes to one's horror that one has totaly forgotten to apply at least some fragrance and wear watch to complement style, and looks very under-dressed.
5) Looks around some more and notices that everyones hair is slick, trendy and stylish and therefore they are stylish; one is unstylish due to lack of hair management.
6) Wedding ceremony. Rating: ∞ out of 10 – couple is happy and both have relatively cool parents. =D
7) Refreshments. Sister and I walk around pretending to be busy, thus avoiding conversation with people that usually ask the same questions and try to sound funny.
Me: *replying an sms*
Man that i happen to know: Wah! Playing handphone games ar?
Me: No I'm not
Man that I happen to know: *doesn't appear to have heard* Oh? Esther doesn't have? Let her play la!
Esther: *appears to be thinking: oh you just HAVE to poke and prod into my bitter insecurities?* *expression: -_-*
Me: I'm SMS-ing!
Man that i happen to know: huh? sms-ing girlfriend ar? Well done! (or something like that)
All this goes on while Sister eavesdrops on womens' conversation. ('Oh! So his birthday is on blah-and-blah', 'oh come here come here she needs some help', 'wow i like your dress! so elegant, ar?' etc. etc.')
Of course I have to have a mindset that since this was a wedding and everything is supposed to be happy, everyone should be engaged such frivolities as a form of celebration of the sacredness and sanctity of marriage and a promise that two lovers make in front of God and to proclaim his love and holiness etc. in the form of marriage.
and anyway I have noticed that everyone loves a relative from a school like RI ('Oh, he's in RI *beams*') or RGS ('yeah I'm in RGS *beams*) or Chinese High ('Oh all my sons studied in Chinese High *beams*) or wadeva. But mention something like this...
Kid: Oh..I'm studying at x*nm*n =D
Adult prying into kid's life like unstitching a rag doll and inspecting the density of the wool, finding out the gravitational pull the doll exerts etc. etc. : Oh... x*nm*n... that's the one at hougang right?
Kid: yes
Adult prying into kid's life like unstitching a rag doll and inspecting the density of the wool, finding out the gravitational pull the doll exerts etc. etc. : ohh... *disappointed* Don't give up! You can try harder in the O levels! blahblahcrapoutsomeinspirationalquoteblahblahblah !
Kid: *Thinks: this guy is strange?*
So, unfortunately, we have to face being labelled as students in a neighbourhood school that just so happens to overachieve alot.
Another major thing I've decided this week.
Once I graduate from secondary school, like my senior Elizabeth, I'm gonna apply for admission into the LaSalle-SIA college of the arts. =D Why didn't i think of that earlier? I'm just afraid my dream will come crashing down when I see my rejection slip that *might* appear (because I'm a person that somehow attracts a negative and unfortunate series of events that will harm my self-esteem) and I start to hear nasty things about the college and when they give me a second chance, I will grudgingly accept but turn them down once I become too influenced by what I hear. But as usual, in the end, all turns out well and everyone is happy. IMHO, life kinda rocks in this aspect.
All of a sudden, the thought and reminiscence of rejection makes me weary of this world and the fickleness of my mind. Is the smoothest way indeed a path full of stones?
After look through my blog for like, the 35th time, i've realized everything i write sounds childish, shallow and immature. How sad.
So I promised myself today that I will blog about my inner battles with raging emotions (ergo: insatiable frustrating anger at having nothing and wanting everything), my views on social frivolities (ergo: talking non-stop, laughing at stock jokes) and the amazing miraculous ability of mine to tolerate such unimportant noise and sounds.
I attended as nice happy social function today. Actually it was a... wedding! So here is a sequence of events:
1) Complain to my sister that my hair is not stylable at all.
2) Tried styling hair for anout an hour.
3) Gives up; hair remains the same as before.
4) Arrives at wedding, realizes to one's horror that one has totaly forgotten to apply at least some fragrance and wear watch to complement style, and looks very under-dressed.
5) Looks around some more and notices that everyones hair is slick, trendy and stylish and therefore they are stylish; one is unstylish due to lack of hair management.
6) Wedding ceremony. Rating: ∞ out of 10 – couple is happy and both have relatively cool parents. =D
7) Refreshments. Sister and I walk around pretending to be busy, thus avoiding conversation with people that usually ask the same questions and try to sound funny.
Me: *replying an sms*
Man that i happen to know: Wah! Playing handphone games ar?
Me: No I'm not
Man that I happen to know: *doesn't appear to have heard* Oh? Esther doesn't have? Let her play la!
Esther: *appears to be thinking: oh you just HAVE to poke and prod into my bitter insecurities?* *expression: -_-*
Me: I'm SMS-ing!
Man that i happen to know: huh? sms-ing girlfriend ar? Well done! (or something like that)
All this goes on while Sister eavesdrops on womens' conversation. ('Oh! So his birthday is on blah-and-blah', 'oh come here come here she needs some help', 'wow i like your dress! so elegant, ar?' etc. etc.')
Of course I have to have a mindset that since this was a wedding and everything is supposed to be happy, everyone should be engaged such frivolities as a form of celebration of the sacredness and sanctity of marriage and a promise that two lovers make in front of God and to proclaim his love and holiness etc. in the form of marriage.
and anyway I have noticed that everyone loves a relative from a school like RI ('Oh, he's in RI *beams*') or RGS ('yeah I'm in RGS *beams*) or Chinese High ('Oh all my sons studied in Chinese High *beams*) or wadeva. But mention something like this...
Kid: Oh..I'm studying at x*nm*n =D
Adult prying into kid's life like unstitching a rag doll and inspecting the density of the wool, finding out the gravitational pull the doll exerts etc. etc. : Oh... x*nm*n... that's the one at hougang right?
Kid: yes
Adult prying into kid's life like unstitching a rag doll and inspecting the density of the wool, finding out the gravitational pull the doll exerts etc. etc. : ohh... *disappointed* Don't give up! You can try harder in the O levels! blahblahcrapoutsomeinspirationalquoteblahblahblah !
Kid: *Thinks: this guy is strange?*
So, unfortunately, we have to face being labelled as students in a neighbourhood school that just so happens to overachieve alot.
Another major thing I've decided this week.
Once I graduate from secondary school, like my senior Elizabeth, I'm gonna apply for admission into the LaSalle-SIA college of the arts. =D Why didn't i think of that earlier? I'm just afraid my dream will come crashing down when I see my rejection slip that *might* appear (because I'm a person that somehow attracts a negative and unfortunate series of events that will harm my self-esteem) and I start to hear nasty things about the college and when they give me a second chance, I will grudgingly accept but turn them down once I become too influenced by what I hear. But as usual, in the end, all turns out well and everyone is happy. IMHO, life kinda rocks in this aspect.
All of a sudden, the thought and reminiscence of rejection makes me weary of this world and the fickleness of my mind. Is the smoothest way indeed a path full of stones?
Sunday, November 27, 2005
omg I'm back to blogging.
and then going to KUALAR LUMPUR tomorrow. Gigglegiggle.
and I'm going to buy SUPER COOL THINGYS!
I think I can never see myself as a Student Leader. Firstly, I don't really like the way MANYMANYOMGSOMANY things run in school. I could change, yes, but I don't want to. Let's just say I don't have the passion. But yet I remain undecided. I guess it's like a grey area?
I just went to the 1e3/2e3 blog ! Wheeeee! Look what my name says: +samuel:wanheng!choir.
Sudden flashback. I remember when Joelle was calling out everone's name and their CCA.
Joelle: Samuel Lee... Choir...?
Junda: HUH that time audition you sing so well for what???
Me: Sniff i feel like crying =(
Everytime I walk past the 1e3 classroom, I suddenly see the whole class having fun and sharing times all together. I see everyone taking photos with teachers when they leave, everyone doing up the notice board together, staying back until around 5 or even 6pm, Miss Ong entering class on her last day, to find that the whole class has prepared a party for her. Oh those memories could fill a book.
But anyway we'll all see each other next year, but our Miss Kuck will be gone =( cry
AH. While listening to a Podcast and typing this at the same time, I am also reminded of my Chai Tea Latte I had yesterday at Starbucks =D
Oh I also watched A Twist Of Fate at the esplanade on that day. And I was like at the front row. OMG and some of the actors/actresses looked at me OMG. I am now registered in their memory OMG.
while talking to nelson on Msn, he remarks that prostitution debates are easy. It sounds odd, i guess. x)
Stalker has hopefully forgetten to stalk me. =) I hope.
I have realized zz and i have been addressing *BLLLEEEEEEEEP* as manymanymanyOMGSOMANY names. A bit like God, only without all that everlasting glory.
OMG that was a shallow remark =X
Anyways we have called him: FA**UAN, CH**N, C*, DOOOT, FT oh um that wasn't alot but wth.
Poor zz. =P
There's a new neoprint machine coming to PRETTYPICS J8!
hm eunice is right. I should re-re-re-update my links section. Sigh =*
and then going to KUALAR LUMPUR tomorrow. Gigglegiggle.
and I'm going to buy SUPER COOL THINGYS!
I think I can never see myself as a Student Leader. Firstly, I don't really like the way MANYMANYOMGSOMANY things run in school. I could change, yes, but I don't want to. Let's just say I don't have the passion. But yet I remain undecided. I guess it's like a grey area?
I just went to the 1e3/2e3 blog ! Wheeeee! Look what my name says: +samuel:wanheng!choir.
Sudden flashback. I remember when Joelle was calling out everone's name and their CCA.
Joelle: Samuel Lee... Choir...?
Junda: HUH that time audition you sing so well for what???
Me: Sniff i feel like crying =(
Everytime I walk past the 1e3 classroom, I suddenly see the whole class having fun and sharing times all together. I see everyone taking photos with teachers when they leave, everyone doing up the notice board together, staying back until around 5 or even 6pm, Miss Ong entering class on her last day, to find that the whole class has prepared a party for her. Oh those memories could fill a book.
But anyway we'll all see each other next year, but our Miss Kuck will be gone =( cry
AH. While listening to a Podcast and typing this at the same time, I am also reminded of my Chai Tea Latte I had yesterday at Starbucks =D
Oh I also watched A Twist Of Fate at the esplanade on that day. And I was like at the front row. OMG and some of the actors/actresses looked at me OMG. I am now registered in their memory OMG.
while talking to nelson on Msn, he remarks that prostitution debates are easy. It sounds odd, i guess. x)
Stalker has hopefully forgetten to stalk me. =) I hope.
I have realized zz and i have been addressing *BLLLEEEEEEEEP* as manymanymanyOMGSOMANY names. A bit like God, only without all that everlasting glory.
OMG that was a shallow remark =X
Anyways we have called him: FA**UAN, CH**N, C*, DOOOT, FT oh um that wasn't alot but wth.
Poor zz. =P
There's a new neoprint machine coming to PRETTYPICS J8!
hm eunice is right. I should re-re-re-update my links section. Sigh =*
Monday, November 14, 2005
*cover your ears*
OH. Supposed to have HAPPY THOUGHTS. must talk about class chalet =
from maths training in school, Stalker and hweehwee and i went to chalet in hweehwee's dad's car. Hweehwee's parents so cool lor. Sent us there then also help us get some groceries. =D
When we reached the chalet saw miss kuck but didn't recognize her so when vera shouted 'WANHENG' i was like, sarcasticwave then tu ran saw miss kuck standing with them. Oh the humiliation!
Frankly speaking, i forgot much of the chalet because i only slept on one of the nights so much of the daytime was this scary gong-gong buzz. or something like that. saddenning?
Suddenly remembered that vera took pictures of shao jie's naked top. =X
right moving on.
AH i remember now. We had pizza for dinner!
DAY 2.
OMG i seriously have a memory lapse. I can't remember anything but *prepare to vomit* STALKER wanted to watch the sunrise with me then i said No, the sun rises from the other side of singapore (and I can't stand your ultra-desponess.OMG. how can anyone be so inhumanely unbelievably annoyingly DESPERATE?) then she said, Can watch sunset? and i was like YAAactuallyyoucanwatchthesunsetfromthediningroomwindowanditisjustasromanticbutstoptryingtoDESPOyourwayuptome? and ran off.
i remember vewarr so evil go take pictures of people's charcoal stained faces and hands. x)
We ran out of drinks, so we walked all the way to the cheers store at downtown east (where everything was ultra overpriced) and walked all the way back. In the dark. To find out there was still some food and ice-pops left. -_-
Oh and that night I managed to get some sleep but not before being ABRUPTLY awaken by some hyper charismatic and ethused girl members of the class x))) KIDDING. It's all part of the fun so nvm don't get angry and spam my tagboard =P
ohshatt someone saw me zhaogeng .die.
kay. the rest of the night i was sleeping yay.
until next morning.
DAY 3.
Woke up.
Heard STALKERandfriend talking in the room.
Open eyes.
Saw STALKER taking photo of me.
close eyes.
open eyes again.
oh it's real. FREAK. *becomes UCKING MAD*
why can't they leave shao jie and i in peace? huh?
so now she has the FRIGGINWORSTEVERINTHEWHOLEBLASTEDUNIVERSE picture of me in her camera. and shao jie also.
very angry.
so later i went for choir with gwen and STALKERandfriend.
met marcus on bus. Yay relief.
went to xinmin together. Stalker'sfriend went home.
finish choir practice, tried running away from STALKER but STALKER stuck like blutak.
thinks: i long for term one when i still lived in blissful ignorance that i wasn't being stalked and STALKER and i were still good friends.
at the busstop marcus decides to buy bubble tea but while waiting for him, 88 arrives, stops at the bustop for a rather prolonged period of time, and leaves right after marcus tells us to run after it. So we decide to have high tea at the coffee shop. I've realized that STALKERandfriend hardly eat in my presence. Unbelievable.
88 finally arrives. we rush.
I didn't really sleep that night.
Actually dozed off or something, because I couldn't account for some of the lost hours in the morning.
Wonders: How does one leave the chalet to go home without anyone knowing?
Woke up at 10 am, thirty minutes before checkout time. PANICS
10.25 am - manages to pack up stuffs.
10.30 am - Friendly Chalet Staff arrive at the chalet. I sign out. Friendly Chalet Staff says: 'Wow nice ar, your signature'
Something memorable happened too. We were carrying all our luggage but we weren't able to fit in the bus. So while walking all the way to the bus stop at downtown east, a lorry?truck? driver comes to let us hitch-hike all the way to pasir ris interchange. That was like the first time i sat at the back of a truck =P
Anyways alot of stuff happened during the chalet. 'Alot' as in more than 1. and 'Stuff' as in things that usually end in breakups. aw so sad.
I'll be going for maths training soon. Maybe I'll put up some pictures of the retreat =D
OH. Supposed to have HAPPY THOUGHTS. must talk about class chalet =
from maths training in school, Stalker and hweehwee and i went to chalet in hweehwee's dad's car. Hweehwee's parents so cool lor. Sent us there then also help us get some groceries. =D
When we reached the chalet saw miss kuck but didn't recognize her so when vera shouted 'WANHENG' i was like, sarcasticwave then tu ran saw miss kuck standing with them. Oh the humiliation!
Frankly speaking, i forgot much of the chalet because i only slept on one of the nights so much of the daytime was this scary gong-gong buzz. or something like that. saddenning?
Suddenly remembered that vera took pictures of shao jie's naked top. =X
right moving on.
AH i remember now. We had pizza for dinner!
DAY 2.
OMG i seriously have a memory lapse. I can't remember anything but *prepare to vomit* STALKER wanted to watch the sunrise with me then i said No, the sun rises from the other side of singapore (and I can't stand your ultra-desponess.OMG. how can anyone be so inhumanely unbelievably annoyingly DESPERATE?) then she said, Can watch sunset? and i was like YAAactuallyyoucanwatchthesunsetfromthediningroomwindowanditisjustasromanticbutstoptryingtoDESPOyourwayuptome? and ran off.
i remember vewarr so evil go take pictures of people's charcoal stained faces and hands. x)
We ran out of drinks, so we walked all the way to the cheers store at downtown east (where everything was ultra overpriced) and walked all the way back. In the dark. To find out there was still some food and ice-pops left. -_-
Oh and that night I managed to get some sleep but not before being ABRUPTLY awaken by some hyper charismatic and ethused girl members of the class x))) KIDDING. It's all part of the fun so nvm don't get angry and spam my tagboard =P
ohshatt someone saw me zhaogeng .die.
kay. the rest of the night i was sleeping yay.
until next morning.
DAY 3.
Woke up.
Heard STALKERandfriend talking in the room.
Open eyes.
Saw STALKER taking photo of me.
close eyes.
open eyes again.
oh it's real. FREAK. *becomes UCKING MAD*
why can't they leave shao jie and i in peace? huh?
so now she has the FRIGGINWORSTEVERINTHEWHOLEBLASTEDUNIVERSE picture of me in her camera. and shao jie also.
very angry.
so later i went for choir with gwen and STALKERandfriend.
met marcus on bus. Yay relief.
went to xinmin together. Stalker'sfriend went home.
finish choir practice, tried running away from STALKER but STALKER stuck like blutak.
thinks: i long for term one when i still lived in blissful ignorance that i wasn't being stalked and STALKER and i were still good friends.
at the busstop marcus decides to buy bubble tea but while waiting for him, 88 arrives, stops at the bustop for a rather prolonged period of time, and leaves right after marcus tells us to run after it. So we decide to have high tea at the coffee shop. I've realized that STALKERandfriend hardly eat in my presence. Unbelievable.
88 finally arrives. we rush.
I didn't really sleep that night.
Actually dozed off or something, because I couldn't account for some of the lost hours in the morning.
Wonders: How does one leave the chalet to go home without anyone knowing?
Woke up at 10 am, thirty minutes before checkout time. PANICS
10.25 am - manages to pack up stuffs.
10.30 am - Friendly Chalet Staff arrive at the chalet. I sign out. Friendly Chalet Staff says: 'Wow nice ar, your signature'
Something memorable happened too. We were carrying all our luggage but we weren't able to fit in the bus. So while walking all the way to the bus stop at downtown east, a lorry?truck? driver comes to let us hitch-hike all the way to pasir ris interchange. That was like the first time i sat at the back of a truck =P
Anyways alot of stuff happened during the chalet. 'Alot' as in more than 1. and 'Stuff' as in things that usually end in breakups. aw so sad.
I'll be going for maths training soon. Maybe I'll put up some pictures of the retreat =D
Thursday, November 03, 2005
It's a hard nose.
I think i'm having a reaction on my nose. One side of it is like, tough and slightly swollen and when I press hard, fluid comes out of the pores. And that is a sick thing. =X
So today I went to the Subway at Far East Plaza with Elgin Vera Jaemeng and there was this poor guy dressed in a yellow suit (a là Yellow Pages Television Commercial guys) and he was... crying. Poor guy. It was kinda funny, you know how the bright cheery yellow juxtaposes with his grey emotions. And this group of tourists came and asked him to put on his fish head thingy and they took pictures. urrrrmm oh-kayyyy.
And I felt dumb, because I was halfway into my sub and they were still unwrapping their food? Something like that. Then Elgin ordered this customized sandwich to share with jaemeng and when I looked there was egg and lettuce and tomato and onion. And that was sick, hahaha.
But there was cookies! =D
Yeah, and we also discussed our chalet plans, until around 4 pm. shouldn't be leaking out all the details haha. But we kept digressing until Vera was taking a video of me doing this:
"HUH?? You DON'T want to join in the games? But we spent SO MUCH OF OUR TIME DURING EXAMS PLANNING for YOUYOUYOU! HOw can you be so UNJUST, so SELF-CENTRED, SO UNFAIR, SO SELFISH?? *cry*"
bleh =P
Okay then we went to Heeren and I bought slippers from flash and splash.
Haha I bought the ' Sure :D Whatever ' pencil case before you! x)) I'm so horrible.
OH then I have Choir Camp from tomorrow until Sunday. And they make it sound like it's so fun so it better be fun o.0 LOL
but I don't feel like going :( HOWW.
I hate socializing cuz i try so hard but no one cares =(
am i selfish?
So today I went to the Subway at Far East Plaza with Elgin Vera Jaemeng and there was this poor guy dressed in a yellow suit (a là Yellow Pages Television Commercial guys) and he was... crying. Poor guy. It was kinda funny, you know how the bright cheery yellow juxtaposes with his grey emotions. And this group of tourists came and asked him to put on his fish head thingy and they took pictures. urrrrmm oh-kayyyy.
And I felt dumb, because I was halfway into my sub and they were still unwrapping their food? Something like that. Then Elgin ordered this customized sandwich to share with jaemeng and when I looked there was egg and lettuce and tomato and onion. And that was sick, hahaha.
But there was cookies! =D
Yeah, and we also discussed our chalet plans, until around 4 pm. shouldn't be leaking out all the details haha. But we kept digressing until Vera was taking a video of me doing this:
"HUH?? You DON'T want to join in the games? But we spent SO MUCH OF OUR TIME DURING EXAMS PLANNING for YOUYOUYOU! HOw can you be so UNJUST, so SELF-CENTRED, SO UNFAIR, SO SELFISH?? *cry*"
bleh =P
Okay then we went to Heeren and I bought slippers from flash and splash.
Haha I bought the ' Sure :D Whatever ' pencil case before you! x)) I'm so horrible.
OH then I have Choir Camp from tomorrow until Sunday. And they make it sound like it's so fun so it better be fun o.0 LOL
but I don't feel like going :( HOWW.
I hate socializing cuz i try so hard but no one cares =(
am i selfish?
Sunday, October 30, 2005
What do normal people blog about when nothing has actually happened?
Oh. They lie.
OH. SO i went to HEEREN today with a STUSSY WALLET FULL OF $50 DOLLAR NOTES that was inside my SUPER EX CRUMPLER BAG to buy $259.95 worth of CLOTHES and since i was at the the town area, i went to Wheelock Place to but a NEW iMAC for MYSELF and a POWERBOOK and a 60GB VIDEO iPOD with my own PLATINUM credit card. And since I like, SPENT SO MUCH, the credit card company decided to upgrade me to the BLACK CARD. So I was so happy I WOKE UP. =@ !!!!
Another thing that i refuse to believe...
hmph at least i won puay weng but I'm never satisfied.
I've realized that everything I say nowadays lacks moral and pro-social content and encourages other chicldren to become as corrupted as me. HAR.
OhMYGAWD someone is online. OMFG and the other person isn't online =I tsktsk.
OMGAWD I have to bring 6 preschool children to Harbour Front tmr. wa lau. No ipod to shoo my ennui and satisfy my discontent. =I
AH. I get to go out with WEIYEATAUDREYJOELLELILIAN veryvery soon! i guess that's something to look forward to.
AH! I get to go to ISIAH papa's house =DDDD
AH! CAN TAKE NEOS x))) (that's it. send me to the asylum i need my medication.)
* --__-- ||| *
sniff. 我知道了啦。 我很白痴。 U_U 对不起。 请,原谅我吧。 原谅我!!原谅我!!我真正是个好人的! *哭得死去活来*
Oh. They lie.
OH. SO i went to HEEREN today with a STUSSY WALLET FULL OF $50 DOLLAR NOTES that was inside my SUPER EX CRUMPLER BAG to buy $259.95 worth of CLOTHES and since i was at the the town area, i went to Wheelock Place to but a NEW iMAC for MYSELF and a POWERBOOK and a 60GB VIDEO iPOD with my own PLATINUM credit card. And since I like, SPENT SO MUCH, the credit card company decided to upgrade me to the BLACK CARD. So I was so happy I WOKE UP. =@ !!!!
Another thing that i refuse to believe...
hmph at least i won puay weng but I'm never satisfied.
I've realized that everything I say nowadays lacks moral and pro-social content and encourages other chicldren to become as corrupted as me. HAR.
OhMYGAWD someone is online. OMFG and the other person isn't online =I tsktsk.
OMGAWD I have to bring 6 preschool children to Harbour Front tmr. wa lau. No ipod to shoo my ennui and satisfy my discontent. =I
AH. I get to go out with WEIYEATAUDREYJOELLELILIAN veryvery soon! i guess that's something to look forward to.
AH! I get to go to ISIAH papa's house =DDDD
AH! CAN TAKE NEOS x))) (that's it. send me to the asylum i need my medication.)
* --__-- ||| *
sniff. 我知道了啦。 我很白痴。 U_U 对不起。 请,原谅我吧。 原谅我!!原谅我!!我真正是个好人的! *哭得死去活来*
Wednesday, October 19, 2005
My senior said 'Whoa! Blog! so I decided to blog' x))
My iPod got stolen. =(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((
Wa lau i thought it was a bad dream lor.
But on Tuesday I went out with vera, jaemeng, gen, jiayu, ming e, elgin and shao jie to go look for the chalet thing at Pasir Ris. Then on the way it was like,
someone: Why are we going there ar?
Elgin: I dunno ask Samuel
me: huh? my idea meh?
So on the way we saw huge black ants then I said, "hey i wanna take picture" then shao was like, " -_-|| " and then vera told me, "later can upload to com and send me?" (which sounded so familiar...) then shao jie was even more " -_____-||||||| " and he was making that espresso machine sound... like "ssszzzzccchhhhhhh" roflmao. wu liao or what. =P
but before that we alighted at some bus stop that jaemeng thought was the correct one then i called marcus after that then he said it's the wrong one. Then we suddenly changed our plans and went to escape tp instead...haha. then we asked one old man on the bicycle which way was Escape then he said just walk and turn left?/right?. Then vera and jaemeng and gen went left and found Aloha Loyang then the rest turned right and we saw Wild Wild Wet. And on the way Shao jie told us some lame lame de joke about where is the right way? next to the left way. OMG I CAN'T REMEMBER =O n v m . and then he gave us another quiz about how well we knew 1e3 (elgin and I both agreed most of the questions were about him. Obviously.)
Then we entered escape and the first ride we went on was the Alpha 8. Which was so fun/scary/dark. But the second time we sat on it, it wasn't fun anymore -_- . And we sat on the Revolution ride (which I thought was funnn), the Inverter (I was screaming lor. So unlike me => ), the Wet and Wild (I got SO wet), the Viking (sat THREE times lor =x), the Flipper (It's like an EXTREME teacup ride x) ) the go-karts and Haunted. I hate haunted =XxX . Oh and I spent my whole entire week's pocket money that day too -_-
Then we went to Pasir Ris beach and Tampines Mall for dinner (btw thankew vera!) ya. That's about it. Then I reached home and gwen told me The Family will be going to Pasir Ris park AGAIN to Roller Skate. LoL. =X
I miss my ipod mini =(((((((((((((((( hate that loserbitchknnbcjbmfmoronfreaksoddingtrollfriggindummywankerfaggotpimpdickheadassholedecomposingshittyheadWORMORGANTHAT that stole my ipod. die DIE DIE!!!!
My iPod got stolen. =(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((
Wa lau i thought it was a bad dream lor.
But on Tuesday I went out with vera, jaemeng, gen, jiayu, ming e, elgin and shao jie to go look for the chalet thing at Pasir Ris. Then on the way it was like,
someone: Why are we going there ar?
Elgin: I dunno ask Samuel
me: huh? my idea meh?
So on the way we saw huge black ants then I said, "hey i wanna take picture" then shao was like, " -_-|| " and then vera told me, "later can upload to com and send me?" (which sounded so familiar...) then shao jie was even more " -_____-||||||| " and he was making that espresso machine sound... like "ssszzzzccchhhhhhh" roflmao. wu liao or what. =P
but before that we alighted at some bus stop that jaemeng thought was the correct one then i called marcus after that then he said it's the wrong one. Then we suddenly changed our plans and went to escape tp instead...haha. then we asked one old man on the bicycle which way was Escape then he said just walk and turn left?/right?. Then vera and jaemeng and gen went left and found Aloha Loyang then the rest turned right and we saw Wild Wild Wet. And on the way Shao jie told us some lame lame de joke about where is the right way? next to the left way. OMG I CAN'T REMEMBER =O n v m . and then he gave us another quiz about how well we knew 1e3 (elgin and I both agreed most of the questions were about him. Obviously.)
Then we entered escape and the first ride we went on was the Alpha 8. Which was so fun/scary/dark. But the second time we sat on it, it wasn't fun anymore -_- . And we sat on the Revolution ride (which I thought was funnn), the Inverter (I was screaming lor. So unlike me => ), the Wet and Wild (I got SO wet), the Viking (sat THREE times lor =x), the Flipper (It's like an EXTREME teacup ride x) ) the go-karts and Haunted. I hate haunted =XxX . Oh and I spent my whole entire week's pocket money that day too -_-
Then we went to Pasir Ris beach and Tampines Mall for dinner (btw thankew vera!) ya. That's about it. Then I reached home and gwen told me The Family will be going to Pasir Ris park AGAIN to Roller Skate. LoL. =X
I miss my ipod mini =(((((((((((((((( hate that loserbitchknnbcjbmfmoronfreaksoddingtrollfriggindummywankerfaggotpimpdickheadassholedecomposingshittyheadWORMORGANTHAT that stole my ipod. die DIE DIE!!!!
Tuesday, October 11, 2005
it's not a stupid hobby. it's a lifestyle.
What happened recently:
-End-Of-Year Examinations.
-my blog just died! wheeeee!
-earthquake in Pakistan. (NOOOOOOO. i wonder how rida's doing.)
-supposed to be doing prep. studies for art exam. -_-
-i love pianos.
there. go use your imagination to expand my 4 point summary =)
All the best to everyone for their EOYEs!
What happened recently:
-End-Of-Year Examinations.
-my blog just died! wheeeee!
-earthquake in Pakistan. (NOOOOOOO. i wonder how rida's doing.)
-supposed to be doing prep. studies for art exam. -_-
-i love pianos.
there. go use your imagination to expand my 4 point summary =)
All the best to everyone for their EOYEs!
Sunday, October 09, 2005
A Stupid Feeling
Q: how many existentialists does it take to screw in a light bulb?
A: two: one to screw it in and one to observe how the light bulb itself symbolizes a single incandescent beacon of subjective reality in a netherworld of endless absurdity reaching out toward a cosmos of nothingness
A: two: one to screw it in and one to observe how the light bulb itself symbolizes a single incandescent beacon of subjective reality in a netherworld of endless absurdity reaching out toward a cosmos of nothingness
Friday, October 07, 2005
a story of shower gel and shampoo containers
WARNING! The following content is not suitable for individuals unable to tolerate high levels of wushiemushie surreal bathroom container love.
Once upon a time, there lived some toiletery bottles. There was this super popular satsuma shower gel bottle (from BODY SHOP somemore lehhs), a smaller, more compact travel sized version of Tomato Juice It™ shampoo, a container of Gatsby Ultra Hold Gel that the other bottles thought was SO COOL because you know, styling containers are the elite of the bottle society, there was also this tea tree facial scrub that came with fancy packaging, a nearly empty 560ml HUGE ice-cream scented bubble bath bottle and a sophisticated L'Occitane Shaving cream tube. Now anyway they didn't really know each other but when this HUGE person cleaned out the bathroom, they somehow managed to end up in this cold clammy totally unglam plastic red bucket. So the Satsuma Shower Gel bottle said:
"Let's be friends!"
Her little clique which consisted of the travel sized Tomato Juice It™ Shampoo and the tea tree scrub realized all the cool dudes they'd be getting (well. at least that's what some of them thought) and got pretty much excited. Afterall, they could travel regularly to to THE MIRROR and look at themselves and pose like crazy. Now. They had been getting along very well until. UNTIL.
The containers looked on as other bottles looked on and gasped.
However, he was taken already. Standing next to him was an Oral B toothbrush with cross action bristles with *GASP* PURPLE INDICATORS! The Satsuma Shower gel screamed in dismay when her dreams of getting hitched to a HAIR WAX CONTAINER and *GASP* EXCHANGING INTERIOR CONTENTS were brutally dashed.
Just then, the Chanel No˚5 entered the room and said,"Dah-lings. use hair clay. It's so much more sexy. Oh I like banana moisterizers =) "
What's the moral of the story?
Exfoliate your face regularly :):)
Once upon a time, there lived some toiletery bottles. There was this super popular satsuma shower gel bottle (from BODY SHOP somemore lehhs), a smaller, more compact travel sized version of Tomato Juice It™ shampoo, a container of Gatsby Ultra Hold Gel that the other bottles thought was SO COOL because you know, styling containers are the elite of the bottle society, there was also this tea tree facial scrub that came with fancy packaging, a nearly empty 560ml HUGE ice-cream scented bubble bath bottle and a sophisticated L'Occitane Shaving cream tube. Now anyway they didn't really know each other but when this HUGE person cleaned out the bathroom, they somehow managed to end up in this cold clammy totally unglam plastic red bucket. So the Satsuma Shower Gel bottle said:
"Let's be friends!"
Her little clique which consisted of the travel sized Tomato Juice It™ Shampoo and the tea tree scrub realized all the cool dudes they'd be getting (well. at least that's what some of them thought) and got pretty much excited. Afterall, they could travel regularly to to THE MIRROR and look at themselves and pose like crazy. Now. They had been getting along very well until. UNTIL.
The containers looked on as other bottles looked on and gasped.
However, he was taken already. Standing next to him was an Oral B toothbrush with cross action bristles with *GASP* PURPLE INDICATORS! The Satsuma Shower gel screamed in dismay when her dreams of getting hitched to a HAIR WAX CONTAINER and *GASP* EXCHANGING INTERIOR CONTENTS were brutally dashed.
Just then, the Chanel No˚5 entered the room and said,"Dah-lings. use hair clay. It's so much more sexy. Oh I like banana moisterizers =) "
What's the moral of the story?
Exfoliate your face regularly :):)
Monday, October 03, 2005
it's once again that time of the year
I hate examinations. No, wait, let me elabourate. I DETEST examinations. Perhaps I don't perform well in such conditions. Which reminds me:
mrs low: *talktalktalk* CONDITION our pupils
but that was a long time ago. -_-
I wonder which teacher would jump at the opportunity to sue their students for defaming them and flaming them in blogs? I don't think any exists in Xinmin. Yay. *suck up suck up*
But it's still odd to think that teachers could actually sue students. Are they denying reality? I mean, teachers who are nice, caring and conscientious definitely would get the recognition in the blogs of their pupils. Those that are undeservingly labelled as 'teachers' and who practise favouritism, stoicism, unbridled negatively charged skepticality and cynicism, ageism, or even racism in extreme cases, whether consciously or not, are often flamed in blogs, questioning their attitude towards teaching. Why, then, are they entitled to sue for their unethical treatment of students, who in their harsh and cold eyes have become fearful, angsty and depressed? Of course, the teachers may rebutt and say it's all for our own good, a cliché ridden statement. However are they considering what comes with their treatment? Students, as a result, feel demoralized, frightened and unaccepted by educators. This influences them to pen down their thoughts and feelings in a journal or blog, but will soon after be found out by the teachers themselves who 'stumble across their blogs'. Puh-lease. It's almost impossible to 'stumble upon' students' blogs. Of course they would have googled for the blogs, afraid of seeing their name appear as a hated and despised tutor. They see their name and wonder: what have I done? While the answer might lie beyond the communication chasm between teacher and student, or just in the simple blog entry.
haha. so if i have to do a newspaper article review i have most of the points in my head already =)
I miss being able to find things to blog about daily ='(
mrs low: *talktalktalk* CONDITION our pupils
but that was a long time ago. -_-
I wonder which teacher would jump at the opportunity to sue their students for defaming them and flaming them in blogs? I don't think any exists in Xinmin. Yay. *suck up suck up*
But it's still odd to think that teachers could actually sue students. Are they denying reality? I mean, teachers who are nice, caring and conscientious definitely would get the recognition in the blogs of their pupils. Those that are undeservingly labelled as 'teachers' and who practise favouritism, stoicism, unbridled negatively charged skepticality and cynicism, ageism, or even racism in extreme cases, whether consciously or not, are often flamed in blogs, questioning their attitude towards teaching. Why, then, are they entitled to sue for their unethical treatment of students, who in their harsh and cold eyes have become fearful, angsty and depressed? Of course, the teachers may rebutt and say it's all for our own good, a cliché ridden statement. However are they considering what comes with their treatment? Students, as a result, feel demoralized, frightened and unaccepted by educators. This influences them to pen down their thoughts and feelings in a journal or blog, but will soon after be found out by the teachers themselves who 'stumble across their blogs'. Puh-lease. It's almost impossible to 'stumble upon' students' blogs. Of course they would have googled for the blogs, afraid of seeing their name appear as a hated and despised tutor. They see their name and wonder: what have I done? While the answer might lie beyond the communication chasm between teacher and student, or just in the simple blog entry.
haha. so if i have to do a newspaper article review i have most of the points in my head already =)
I miss being able to find things to blog about daily ='(
Saturday, September 24, 2005
crazy imagination:
chongyi: *scratches butt*
1e3: eeeeeeeeeee se lang! *points*
chongyi: ohhh? I'm so sexy and kawaII! *runs off*
yesterday I went to collect yt's tee from SPH. cuz she was featured in 'IN' magazine and the tee she's wearing might be scrawled all over with 'I'm IN' and that contradicts my countercultural perceptions. Whatever.
right now i just feel ultra betrayed by some traitor backstabber lier person which I was very close to. Oh I'm trying not to care now. But anyways you know yourself and you've hurt two of your many close friends that you've forgot about and forgot to care for. We're hurt!
crazy imagination:
chongyi: *scratches butt*
1e3: eeeeeeeeeee se lang! *points*
chongyi: ohhh? I'm so sexy and kawaII! *runs off*
yesterday I went to collect yt's tee from SPH. cuz she was featured in 'IN' magazine and the tee she's wearing might be scrawled all over with 'I'm IN' and that contradicts my countercultural perceptions. Whatever.
right now i just feel ultra betrayed by some traitor backstabber lier person which I was very close to. Oh I'm trying not to care now. But anyways you know yourself and you've hurt two of your many close friends that you've forgot about and forgot to care for. We're hurt!
Thursday, September 22, 2005
I guess I like the way you smile. ?
YAY xinmin has won the school excellence award YAY I survived today YAY done my work NAY home econs test tmr NAY i feel like vomiting again =X
crazy imagination 1:
crazy imagination 2:
chong yi (to Mrs Low): Errrhhhh MRS LOWWWW can you show me how to perm my hair? Like not thick enough leh.
Mrs Low: eeeuuurrrr....... si se lang!!! *points*
chong yi: I'm so sexy and kawaII! *runs off to compasspoint*
*talks on the phone*
*talks somemore*
*feels very annoyed*
YAY xinmin has won the school excellence award YAY I survived today YAY done my work NAY home econs test tmr NAY i feel like vomiting again =X
crazy imagination 1:
crazy imagination 2:
chong yi (to Mrs Low): Errrhhhh MRS LOWWWW can you show me how to perm my hair? Like not thick enough leh.
Mrs Low: eeeuuurrrr....... si se lang!!! *points*
chong yi: I'm so sexy and kawaII! *runs off to compasspoint*
*talks on the phone*
*talks somemore*
*feels very annoyed*
Monday, September 19, 2005
posted again
!%^&@ photos ruined the layout !%^&@^!
I've thought of something (again)
a: let's go to the SL ROOM!
b: okay, let us go to the SL ROOM!
a: but what about the people who are not STUDENT LEADERS?
b: AIYOH why are you still caring about such TRIVIAL matters. we, as the ELITE CLASS of the school should CLIQUE UP with each other, SUCK UP to teachers and SHUN the less priviledged.
a: haha. you said it alright! especially if we have ULTRA SWANKY TIES and BADGES and funky STUDENT LEADER ACCESSORIES! we are SO COOL!
b: unlike the AVERAGE NORMAL SUPER-UNIMPORTANT xinmin student! ILOVE BOSSING people around! Especially MANUPILATING the teachers and feeling GOOD about it and thinking that I'm so POPULAR and SHUAI and BEAUTIFUL and MODEL-QUALITY and RICH and HAO LIAN and CONFIDENT and PERRRRRFECCCCCT! =)
a: =) =)
me: stupid shits.
LoL that was one of my crazy imaginations. must have caught the disease from zizhao. no harm intended! trust me. -_-
I've thought of something (again)
a: let's go to the SL ROOM!
b: okay, let us go to the SL ROOM!
a: but what about the people who are not STUDENT LEADERS?
b: AIYOH why are you still caring about such TRIVIAL matters. we, as the ELITE CLASS of the school should CLIQUE UP with each other, SUCK UP to teachers and SHUN the less priviledged.
a: haha. you said it alright! especially if we have ULTRA SWANKY TIES and BADGES and funky STUDENT LEADER ACCESSORIES! we are SO COOL!
b: unlike the AVERAGE NORMAL SUPER-UNIMPORTANT xinmin student! ILOVE BOSSING people around! Especially MANUPILATING the teachers and feeling GOOD about it and thinking that I'm so POPULAR and SHUAI and BEAUTIFUL and MODEL-QUALITY and RICH and HAO LIAN and CONFIDENT and PERRRRRFECCCCCT! =)
a: =) =)
me: stupid shits.
LoL that was one of my crazy imaginations. must have caught the disease from zizhao. no harm intended! trust me. -_-
Quiet and Totally Random Musings
I've thought of the ideal Rozario family day while walking back home:
10 am - the rozario siblings meet at some fancy place for brunch. Preferbly the Hyatt or Marriott.
12 pm - shop around the Orchard road area
3.30 pm - head back to suite at the Raffles Hotel. Laze around. etc.etc.
4.50 pm - meet papa for high-tea at the Ritz carlton millenia
6.00 pm - Go for Black Eyed peas concert. Have supper with the the Black Eyed Peas themselves back stage.
10 pm - Check out of Raffles Hotel and take a limo to the Changi Airport to take a flight to Perth and stay at the Rozario family chalet. Shop at duty free. Spend lots of mullah.
11.50 pm - Board the plane.
*5.48 am* wake up from this super-ultra-uber-cool dream and curse that there's a bio test that day. =(
I've thought of something. Lame. :
zigong: I feel like singing a sad song.
me and yiting: yes...?
zigong: xiiin min xiiin min wo men yao zuo she hui de zu ren.......
me and yiting: LMAO! (then after laughing for a while, -.-|||)
i think I'm going to post some of the neoprints i took recently. Stay tuned! *nelson subsumer moment* (''.)
[asS.HOle is fat sia =O]
10 am - the rozario siblings meet at some fancy place for brunch. Preferbly the Hyatt or Marriott.
12 pm - shop around the Orchard road area
3.30 pm - head back to suite at the Raffles Hotel. Laze around. etc.etc.
4.50 pm - meet papa for high-tea at the Ritz carlton millenia
6.00 pm - Go for Black Eyed peas concert. Have supper with the the Black Eyed Peas themselves back stage.
10 pm - Check out of Raffles Hotel and take a limo to the Changi Airport to take a flight to Perth and stay at the Rozario family chalet. Shop at duty free. Spend lots of mullah.
11.50 pm - Board the plane.
*5.48 am* wake up from this super-ultra-uber-cool dream and curse that there's a bio test that day. =(
I've thought of something. Lame. :
zigong: I feel like singing a sad song.
me and yiting: yes...?
zigong: xiiin min xiiin min wo men yao zuo she hui de zu ren.......
me and yiting: LMAO! (then after laughing for a while, -.-|||)
i think I'm going to post some of the neoprints i took recently. Stay tuned! *nelson subsumer moment* (''.)
[asS.HOle is fat sia =O]
Saturday, September 17, 2005
The shoe strikes back
Hello. It's me again. The weird Singaporean who bought me has hooked me to his unsightly red luggage and exposed me to the harsh weather condition of Malaysia. Help!
Thursday, September 01, 2005
correction to the post on Friday, August 26, 2005:
It's not supposed to be Ng gb but LIM gb. I must have mis-typed in my rage and EXTREEEMMME disgust. I LOVE ms ng! <3
It's not supposed to be Ng gb but LIM gb. I must have mis-typed in my rage and EXTREEEMMME disgust. I LOVE ms ng! <3
Wednesday, August 31, 2005
memorable day, huh?
I have a new addition to my chinchilla family! ^^
Mochi (name pending) was born at around 11 am, weighing *x* lbs. haish I should have weighed it. ANYWAYS it is SOOOOO cuuutttte!!! And Nelson couldn't really share my joy. !%^@*)!(*@!()@(#*#^&@™∞§¶¡!!!!! i''m so irked.
oh, btw, happy teachers day =)
on to more important stuff........... I'm going to Malaysia next week! Cameron Highlands! Kular Lumpur! Mariott! Shopping! I can't wait! P=
Mochi (name pending) was born at around 11 am, weighing *x* lbs. haish I should have weighed it. ANYWAYS it is SOOOOO cuuutttte!!! And Nelson couldn't really share my joy. !%^@*)!(*@!()@(#*#^&@™∞§¶¡!!!!! i''m so irked.
oh, btw, happy teachers day =)
on to more important stuff........... I'm going to Malaysia next week! Cameron Highlands! Kular Lumpur! Mariott! Shopping! I can't wait! P=
Saturday, August 27, 2005
Thursday, August 25, 2005
Post-modernist flower arrangement
Sprig of parsley. Processed plant matter. Glass of cool water. I could compose haiku.
Yeah. So I took this picture when we (debators) went to Pizza Hut at Hougang Mall after the SRJC debate prelims. Which we passed and are going to partcipate in the semi-finals. Then as we were walking out of the mall we saw THAT. =X
Yeah. So I took this picture when we (debators) went to Pizza Hut at Hougang Mall after the SRJC debate prelims. Which we passed and are going to partcipate in the semi-finals. Then as we were walking out of the mall we saw THAT. =X
Sunday, August 21, 2005
kay. So many things have happened since i stopped for...lemme count....a week exactly. (o_O;;)
Yesterday we (debate peeps) went to serangoon junior college for the preliminaries for the debate competition. So for the first round we were up against compassvale secondary? And I thought the first speaker for compassvale secondary was okay-okay lar, but the second speaker was mediocre compared to the first speaker. And the third speaker.... let's just say she was acting cute infront of the judges. So in the end xinmin trashed them. =) yay
Then in round two we were the opposition and anderson secondary was the propostion. we won =)
So now we are preparing for next week when we will be up against..... bleeping St. Nick's with the motion being THBT the classroom is not the place for sex education! I remember Nicholas saying St. Nicholas (note the irony) was the saint of the sly *something* and *something*. We are doomed. *fakes wail*
Right. Then we went to Pizza Hut for lunch and I only had $2 with me. So humiliating... T_T After that I forgot what I did =\ Oh and later on I met THAT. But I still couldn't really figure out which person THAT was. bummed bummed bummed! Then Nelson said there were so many xinmin students in hougang mall that day. Yeah. And we went to Popular and the Library also. ^^
me: most boring blog entry EVER!
(references to The Comic Book Guy from the Simpsons)
Yesterday we (debate peeps) went to serangoon junior college for the preliminaries for the debate competition. So for the first round we were up against compassvale secondary? And I thought the first speaker for compassvale secondary was okay-okay lar, but the second speaker was mediocre compared to the first speaker. And the third speaker.... let's just say she was acting cute infront of the judges. So in the end xinmin trashed them. =) yay
Then in round two we were the opposition and anderson secondary was the propostion. we won =)
So now we are preparing for next week when we will be up against..... bleeping St. Nick's with the motion being THBT the classroom is not the place for sex education! I remember Nicholas saying St. Nicholas (note the irony) was the saint of the sly *something* and *something*. We are doomed. *fakes wail*
Right. Then we went to Pizza Hut for lunch and I only had $2 with me. So humiliating... T_T After that I forgot what I did =\ Oh and later on I met THAT. But I still couldn't really figure out which person THAT was. bummed bummed bummed! Then Nelson said there were so many xinmin students in hougang mall that day. Yeah. And we went to Popular and the Library also. ^^
me: most boring blog entry EVER!
(references to The Comic Book Guy from the Simpsons)
Sunday, August 14, 2005
much ado about fruit juice
I saw this fruit commercial yesterday and laughed. oh well. the characteristics of the idle mind.
Right now I'm doing web-window-shopping! It's so fun =D
Things I Want...
Chocolate Buffalump
It's actually a chocolate plushie. Cute eh?
Deer print Tee
It's a cool screenprinted shirt in one of my favorite colours!
Aquatic life iPod case
An iPod case wold be nice :)
Things I want BADLY...
Grey bird sloucho
Its a GREY slouch bag! I love grey! I LOVE IT I LOVE IT I LOVE IT!!!!
Geek glasses clutch
Doodle Button Set
These are buttons and they are cool :D
There's more actually but I'm too sleepy to ... ... . .. ... .. . . . . . . *yawwwwn*
Right now I'm doing web-window-shopping! It's so fun =D
Things I Want...
Chocolate Buffalump
It's actually a chocolate plushie. Cute eh?
Deer print Tee
It's a cool screenprinted shirt in one of my favorite colours!
Aquatic life iPod case
An iPod case wold be nice :)
Things I want BADLY...
Grey bird sloucho
Its a GREY slouch bag! I love grey! I LOVE IT I LOVE IT I LOVE IT!!!!
Geek glasses clutch
Doodle Button Set
These are buttons and they are cool :D
There's more actually but I'm too sleepy to ... ... . .. ... .. . . . . . . *yawwwwn*
Friday, August 12, 2005
Story of a Shoe
"HIII! I'm Millie the Novelty Miniature Converse Chuck Taylor Keychain! I was made in China, then shipped to Perth in Western Australia! Then I was packed into this awful box with like, dozens of other Novelty Miniature Converse Chuck Taylor Keychains! Then this Singaporean guy came into the converse store and bought me for AU$12! I hate his trousers! And his wallet smells funny!"
This photo was taken quite a long time ago, during ms lye's lesson. er, i think so. Notice that shoe? It's not mine. But that's not the point for showing you this photo. I'm just informing you that chemistry can be a boring subject, depending on your character, and I'm just crappin' as usual. Haha.
I have a super cool thingy to award the person who tells me the owner of this foot! =))
I have a super cool thingy to award the person who tells me the owner of this foot! =))
Thursday, August 11, 2005
i love peanuts
Not exactly.
Oh here's a neoprint I took yesterday when I went out with Nicholas, Darren, Ping Hui and Nelson! ^^
look at the words!
"I still believe"
so cuuute!!
anyway I watched charlie and the chocolate factory for the 2nd time (I first watched it on monday when I went with donald & esther to cineleisure! so fun. maybe i should post some neoprints of that outing too. ha. ha.)
so at first we wanted to watch at GV Bishan. Which was packed as usual. haha? And I wanted to take neoprints there (which is so much fun-ner and newer) but we went to Yishun anyway. lol =P . Then we realized the absence of a neoprint machine so I kinda freaked. [T_T] right. so we went to Delifrance after that for lunch, and finally went to the cinema. gawd i just love that show. I mean, right now I'm listening to the soundtrack! i'm SO hopeless. sigh.
'kay then we went to swensens. I haven't been to swensens since I was 5! ehmygawd i still can't really believe that. =P I'm so underpreviledged!
and THEN we went to the arcade to play for a while =), then to Popular where we made fun of this poor guy who was secretly picking his nose, then we went to the arcade again to take neoprints. Yayyyness!
Oh here's a neoprint I took yesterday when I went out with Nicholas, Darren, Ping Hui and Nelson! ^^
look at the words!
"I still believe"
so cuuute!!
anyway I watched charlie and the chocolate factory for the 2nd time (I first watched it on monday when I went with donald & esther to cineleisure! so fun. maybe i should post some neoprints of that outing too. ha. ha.)
so at first we wanted to watch at GV Bishan. Which was packed as usual. haha? And I wanted to take neoprints there (which is so much fun-ner and newer) but we went to Yishun anyway. lol =P . Then we realized the absence of a neoprint machine so I kinda freaked. [T_T] right. so we went to Delifrance after that for lunch, and finally went to the cinema. gawd i just love that show. I mean, right now I'm listening to the soundtrack! i'm SO hopeless. sigh.
'kay then we went to swensens. I haven't been to swensens since I was 5! ehmygawd i still can't really believe that. =P I'm so underpreviledged!
and THEN we went to the arcade to play for a while =), then to Popular where we made fun of this poor guy who was secretly picking his nose, then we went to the arcade again to take neoprints. Yayyyness!
Tuesday, August 09, 2005
tra-la-la it's a special day
Happy National Day Singapore.
Good I won't let that phrase burden me anymore for what's left of the day.
Feeling very skeptical today..........stay clear!
I've longed
I've waited
for the day you say
I want you
I need you
I love you
etc. etc.
yeah it's a stupid song with stupid undertones.
where's my ritalin?
Good I won't let that phrase burden me anymore for what's left of the day.
Feeling very skeptical today..........stay clear!
I've longed
I've waited
for the day you say
I want you
I need you
I love you
etc. etc.
yeah it's a stupid song with stupid undertones.
where's my ritalin?
Sunday, August 07, 2005
An installation within the Esplanade. Taken when I went to the syf opening ceromony to support the choir.
excuse me while I regurgitate in disgust
blah. I forgot what I wanted to write.
But apart from that small inconvenience (i love that word!), today is yet another normal, routine Sunday.
Hmm the sentence structure feels odd. But whatever.
I love Sundays like these. I am sitting in front of the desk typing this, undisturbed by the rest of my family, and silently enjoying the environment. Environment, as in, the atmosphere of a Sunday afternoon. It is comfortably warm, I have the blinds rolled down so it's not too bad. Usually my sister turns on the air conditioning and listens to her *shudder* loud music but perhaps I should be thankful that she's too engrossed reading some chick novel in anothe room. Yeah.
So right now I'm sms-ing, IM-ing a few friends, blogging and dictionary-ing. I know it's very fun, all this multi-tasking.
Oh and there's something funny also... After church my family went to the ntuc fairprice at Junction 8 and my sister and I wandered off elsewhere. And then my handphone battery died on me so all forms of communication was cut off. argh. and my parents couldn't contact me so they went home first. fortunately i was able to use the public phone. so anyway we decided to walk around j8 aimlessly and I wanted to take neoprints to commemerate our lame-ness but I couldn't really spend so much now. sigh. and we went to mini toons to buy candy in the end.
I love Sundays =)
But apart from that small inconvenience (i love that word!), today is yet another normal, routine Sunday.
Hmm the sentence structure feels odd. But whatever.
I love Sundays like these. I am sitting in front of the desk typing this, undisturbed by the rest of my family, and silently enjoying the environment. Environment, as in, the atmosphere of a Sunday afternoon. It is comfortably warm, I have the blinds rolled down so it's not too bad. Usually my sister turns on the air conditioning and listens to her *shudder* loud music but perhaps I should be thankful that she's too engrossed reading some chick novel in anothe room. Yeah.
So right now I'm sms-ing, IM-ing a few friends, blogging and dictionary-ing. I know it's very fun, all this multi-tasking.
Oh and there's something funny also... After church my family went to the ntuc fairprice at Junction 8 and my sister and I wandered off elsewhere. And then my handphone battery died on me so all forms of communication was cut off. argh. and my parents couldn't contact me so they went home first. fortunately i was able to use the public phone. so anyway we decided to walk around j8 aimlessly and I wanted to take neoprints to commemerate our lame-ness but I couldn't really spend so much now. sigh. and we went to mini toons to buy candy in the end.
I love Sundays =)
Friday, August 05, 2005
hey i'm happy again!
finally, the annoying 60th anniversary celebrations as come and gone...sorry I'm so bad at faking enthusiasm. =P . so anyways the debate auditions came out well... and I'm ..... happy-ish? yay! ^^ which means that i panicked for no reason whatsoever yesterday. anti-climax.
oh then after the celebrations a few of the debate peeps were talking to us....yeah fun! hehe.
so that's about it.... yet another day has passed. =)
oh then after the celebrations a few of the debate peeps were talking to us....yeah fun! hehe.
so that's about it.... yet another day has passed. =)
dejected, depressed, despondent, disconsolate, dismal, dispirited, down-hearted, downcast, fed up, gloomy, glum, low, melancholy, moody, unhappy, woebegone, beaten, browbeaten, crippled, crushed, defeated, demoralized, discouraged, disheartened, heartsick, humbled, oppressed, overpowered, subdued, tamed, vanquished, austere, black, bleak, blue, comfortless, dark, dejected, dejecting, desolate, despondent, disconsolate, dismal, dispiriting, dolorous, drab, draggy, drearisome, dreary, dull, forlorn, funereal, gloomy, grim, jarring, joyless, melancholy, miserable, mopey, mournful, oppressive, sad, somber, sorrowful, sullen, tenebrific, uncomfortable, unhappy, wintry, woeful
Friday, July 29, 2005
happy that i'm happy but my happiness is just a lie
My head is thumping
I feel exhausted
my limbs are cramping
but i feel great =)
Did some last minute revision for history test and home ed. tests (lol) in the morning. I still can't believe I have been blogging for 4 days straight! That's super rare...heh!
Anyways the roadrun today was....in one word.....surreal. I couldn't believe I ran and clocked 13 mins +. that is good.
But before I forget!....
Congratulations Jas meii!
Congratulations Jonz!
Congratulations 911-ONG! LoL
Congratulations jaemengg!
Congratulations weiYao!
Congratulations YanMing!
Congratulations everyone else who completed the run/walk/slack. it was so...fun! Not =P
And my back hurts. woe is me!
I feel exhausted
my limbs are cramping
but i feel great =)
Did some last minute revision for history test and home ed. tests (lol) in the morning. I still can't believe I have been blogging for 4 days straight! That's super rare...heh!
Anyways the roadrun today was....in one word.....surreal. I couldn't believe I ran and clocked 13 mins +. that is good.
But before I forget!....
Congratulations Jas meii!
Congratulations Jonz!
Congratulations 911-ONG! LoL
Congratulations jaemengg!
Congratulations weiYao!
Congratulations YanMing!
Congratulations everyone else who completed the run/walk/slack. it was so...fun! Not =P
And my back hurts. woe is me!
Thursday, July 28, 2005
still not happy
i have a history test and home econs theory tomorrow and I FORGOT TO BRING MY TEXTBOOKS HOME !!!!!!!!!!!!! i'm panicking like crazy. OMGGGGG
I'm really turned off by teachers that flirt with students. Really. Pissed. Off. Like they act like 13 when they are 85.
AND i'm pissed with people that steal my identity. Like when you're expecting to be the top the class...as usual....and anticipating your name to be called.... as usual.... to your horror you hear a DIFFERENT person's name being called. and you get back your paper and realized you received the suckiest marks in the universe... and everyone is telling you not to be jealous while you are sitting there SEETHING with anger and jealousy feeling totally fucked up. especially when your social life is crumbling right there.
i'm going to my room to cry.
just kidding.
too depressed and busy to indulge in self-pity.
I'm really turned off by teachers that flirt with students. Really. Pissed. Off. Like they act like 13 when they are 85.
AND i'm pissed with people that steal my identity. Like when you're expecting to be the top the class...as usual....and anticipating your name to be called.... as usual.... to your horror you hear a DIFFERENT person's name being called. and you get back your paper and realized you received the suckiest marks in the universe... and everyone is telling you not to be jealous while you are sitting there SEETHING with anger and jealousy feeling totally fucked up. especially when your social life is crumbling right there.
i'm going to my room to cry.
just kidding.
too depressed and busy to indulge in self-pity.
Wednesday, July 27, 2005
sick of your company
"I'm annoyed today.
Why can't people contain their anger?
I'm sick of everyone spilling all over me.
If i wanted that to happen i would have became a counsellor.
but i didn't. aha!"
I have news that I can't wait to tell other people but i can't because it will ruin the lives of two CLOSE friends. muhahhahahh!
*not that hyper*
Why can't people contain their anger?
I'm sick of everyone spilling all over me.
If i wanted that to happen i would have became a counsellor.
but i didn't. aha!"
I have news that I can't wait to tell other people but i can't because it will ruin the lives of two CLOSE friends. muhahhahahh!
*not that hyper*
Thursday, July 21, 2005
bad things today:
-realized I needed a truck to bring all my homework home and bring it back to school the next day.
good things today:
-flag-raising cancelled.
mood: passive
Yay it's a special day!
Racial Harmony Day!
.... =(
I have totally zero concentration today.
I feel like eating cookies.
!!!!! forgot to do Home Econs. !!!!!
stupid cookie label.
Maybe because of home econs I will never like cookies again.
oh just thought of something.
Does it irk you when there is ALWAYS someone out there who does things better than you. ALL the time! You are immediately invisible and overpowered when they stand next to you.
Instead of 'Hi Sam!' it's 'Hi xxx!' And you start to wish someone out there could anknowledge your presence, anyone but the teacher who would notice your ankle socks and stat to scream and yell because they are physically repulsive towards socks....especially ankles socks.... so they were sandals instead, geddit?
speaking of sandals, I desperately NEEED birkenstocks, you know, to try to go with my bohemian look. I mean, wristbands are now only fit to be seen hanging lifelessly on your school bag.
So here's my to-get list:
-iPod mini [DONE MUHAHA]
-new school bag (dcshoecousa)
-new sling/messenger bag (wants burberry but billabong/mambo/quiksilver would do
-new spectacle frames (Paul Frank)
-new watch (Paul Frank....already have swatch MUHAHA)
-von dutch T-shirt when I don't feel fat but want to flaunt some man-boobs =S . as if that would happen.
-B&O stereo ($5,000-$10,000 range) of course i'm only joking about this one. xD
-realized I needed a truck to bring all my homework home and bring it back to school the next day.
good things today:
-flag-raising cancelled.
mood: passive
Yay it's a special day!
Racial Harmony Day!
.... =(
I have totally zero concentration today.
I feel like eating cookies.
!!!!! forgot to do Home Econs. !!!!!
stupid cookie label.
Maybe because of home econs I will never like cookies again.
oh just thought of something.
Does it irk you when there is ALWAYS someone out there who does things better than you. ALL the time! You are immediately invisible and overpowered when they stand next to you.
Instead of 'Hi Sam!' it's 'Hi xxx!' And you start to wish someone out there could anknowledge your presence, anyone but the teacher who would notice your ankle socks and stat to scream and yell because they are physically repulsive towards socks....especially ankles socks.... so they were sandals instead, geddit?
speaking of sandals, I desperately NEEED birkenstocks, you know, to try to go with my bohemian look. I mean, wristbands are now only fit to be seen hanging lifelessly on your school bag.
So here's my to-get list:
-iPod mini [DONE MUHAHA]
-new school bag (dcshoecousa)
-new sling/messenger bag (wants burberry but billabong/mambo/quiksilver would do
-new spectacle frames (Paul Frank)
-new watch (Paul Frank....already have swatch MUHAHA)
-von dutch T-shirt when I don't feel fat but want to flaunt some man-boobs =S . as if that would happen.
-B&O stereo ($5,000-$10,000 range) of course i'm only joking about this one. xD
Wednesday, July 20, 2005
Hated Because of Good Qualities/Loved Because of Weaknesses
What can I say, I'm still feeling kinda sad...
I'm not supposed to be stressed....but now I am. How could this happen to me. wtf.
i hate certain people who enter the SL room. actually only two or three but i shan't tell......ugh.
My feet hurt from running during P.E.
My head feels heavy and a burden to my neck.
I feel crushed.
how sad no one is here to share my burdens. i wish i could be as immature and carefree as some of my classmates again...
no one cares that I eat dinner, disguising my fears.
my sorrows.
i want to disappear. not many people will care anyway.
or suicidal tendencies will creep in.
they say it will hurt more than just you.
who cares
Not many people will remember me.
No one will feel a sense of loss.
The Judas Ischariots out there will auction off my things. If i have any.
It's difficult to be lonely and contented at the same time, I have realized.
I wish
People won't always think I'm there for them. All the time. 24/7.
I wish
People won't keep backstabbing their friends. talking behind their backs. advising me to treat them like sh*t. Hey, if you didn't have so many friends...like me.... you would at least treasure them.........
i shall pour out my feelings again in a week or so.
I'm not supposed to be stressed....but now I am. How could this happen to me. wtf.
i hate certain people who enter the SL room. actually only two or three but i shan't tell......ugh.
My feet hurt from running during P.E.
My head feels heavy and a burden to my neck.
I feel crushed.
how sad no one is here to share my burdens. i wish i could be as immature and carefree as some of my classmates again...
no one cares that I eat dinner, disguising my fears.
my sorrows.
i want to disappear. not many people will care anyway.
or suicidal tendencies will creep in.
they say it will hurt more than just you.
who cares
Not many people will remember me.
No one will feel a sense of loss.
The Judas Ischariots out there will auction off my things. If i have any.
It's difficult to be lonely and contented at the same time, I have realized.
I wish
People won't always think I'm there for them. All the time. 24/7.
I wish
People won't keep backstabbing their friends. talking behind their backs. advising me to treat them like sh*t. Hey, if you didn't have so many friends...like me.... you would at least treasure them.........
i shall pour out my feelings again in a week or so.
Monday, July 18, 2005
Someone please pinch me.
*_* during school i was so sleepy and during assembly jun da was like,
jd: oi. OI! you look very......
he never had a way with words.
Then came the racial harmony presentations...very cute, i thought. especially the movie thing about cross marriages? There's something you won't find in primary school. But i still felt zombified after sitting painfully at the assembly...squashed between people. It's almost claustrophobic until i nearly envied the SLs on duty.
Speaking of SLs..... *ahemahem* n e v e r m i n d only close friends will know.
(Like I have close-friends at all. Haha. i still love you guys ^^)
Oh we took a CLASS PHOTO with our new CLASS TEES and our CLASS MENTORS who had their own CLASS TEES! not fun, cuz everyone wasn't co operating and wei yeat was screaming at us (aiyohhhh i wish my voice didn't break so badly last time. long story) to stand in position. boohoo. then Miss Kuck
came in late cuz she had meeting. waaaaaahhhhhhhh so sad she missed the photo =( everything BUT the form teacher =P
*_* during school i was so sleepy and during assembly jun da was like,
jd: oi. OI! you look very......
he never had a way with words.
Then came the racial harmony presentations...very cute, i thought. especially the movie thing about cross marriages? There's something you won't find in primary school. But i still felt zombified after sitting painfully at the assembly...squashed between people. It's almost claustrophobic until i nearly envied the SLs on duty.
Speaking of SLs..... *ahemahem* n e v e r m i n d only close friends will know.
(Like I have close-friends at all. Haha. i still love you guys ^^)
Oh we took a CLASS PHOTO with our new CLASS TEES and our CLASS MENTORS who had their own CLASS TEES! not fun, cuz everyone wasn't co operating and wei yeat was screaming at us (aiyohhhh i wish my voice didn't break so badly last time. long story) to stand in position. boohoo. then Miss Kuck
came in late cuz she had meeting. waaaaaahhhhhhhh so sad she missed the photo =( everything BUT the form teacher =P
Friday, July 15, 2005
super depressing things
I felt so extra today, esp. during choir. It was like, everyone was talking talking talking then I'm like sitting there feeling stupid because I'm not talking? And it really sucked. Yeah.
Nothing really happened today....just the usual things that bug me now and then. *offtopic* Like why are people so opinionated? I am so irked that there are some people in this world who are so petty and inconsiderate, slight opposition from others will always result in 'let's avoid him' etc. and i won't be able to say anything because I'm just so nice and caring......whatever.
Okay. I hope you can tell I'm NOT feeling very happy today, even though i'm supposed to fake it because I received the super ultra cool and ORANGEY yellow class tee. Yeahh! Or maybe my body isn't producing enough endomorphines (or something) to make me happy and content.
I'm really sorry but when I feel very pissy I decide to lash everything out on other people. =( boohoo for you
One thing I dislike alot about people. They always use their steads as status symbols.
Boy: DEARRRR...I lurve euuu...
Girl: You were always the one for mieeee, DEARRRR
Boy: Of course , DEARRR
and they place their *uhem* THINGYS facing each other. Like oops sorry u're too young to enter =_=
Some words of advice:
Just because you get to feel handsome/hero by wearing a badge/tie but that doesn't make others inferior to you. Sure you may be the cream of the crop *CLICHÉ* but who cares, you sure don't act like one.
Oh something happy I've realized....it's Sarah's birthday! =) Happy birthday Sarah! ^^
Nothing really happened today....just the usual things that bug me now and then. *offtopic* Like why are people so opinionated? I am so irked that there are some people in this world who are so petty and inconsiderate, slight opposition from others will always result in 'let's avoid him' etc. and i won't be able to say anything because I'm just so nice and caring......whatever.
Okay. I hope you can tell I'm NOT feeling very happy today, even though i'm supposed to fake it because I received the super ultra cool and ORANGEY yellow class tee. Yeahh! Or maybe my body isn't producing enough endomorphines (or something) to make me happy and content.
I'm really sorry but when I feel very pissy I decide to lash everything out on other people. =( boohoo for you
One thing I dislike alot about people. They always use their steads as status symbols.
Boy: DEARRRR...I lurve euuu...
Girl: You were always the one for mieeee, DEARRRR
Boy: Of course , DEARRR
and they place their *uhem* THINGYS facing each other. Like oops sorry u're too young to enter =_=
Some words of advice:
Just because you get to feel handsome/hero by wearing a badge/tie but that doesn't make others inferior to you. Sure you may be the cream of the crop *CLICHÉ* but who cares, you sure don't act like one.
Oh something happy I've realized....it's Sarah's birthday! =) Happy birthday Sarah! ^^
Saturday, July 09, 2005
A Day.
What I did today:
(a) Woken up by sister
"sammmm can you lend me your watch etc.etc.?"
"*snore* y ee szss *snore*"
(b) Woken up by grandmother
"samuel... 9.30 already!!"
"wha-? n v m still got time "
(c) Breakfast
1/2 big mac + 1/2 big mac = 1 big mac.
(d) Lazes around
("sam go and bathe!" said Mum)
(e) Showers, changes clothes, gets out of house to go to sister's 'racial harmony fair' at her school.
bag..... not checked.
*runs to find bag*
(f) Racial Harmony Fair
Things i bought: ice-cream, 2 badges, bubble tea, aloe vera drink, chicken cutlet
(g) Go back home
temperature: one thousand degrees celcius
mood: lethargic
(h) slacks around
(i) goes to church for yf
topic: post-modernism and the Gospel
(j) dinner at home
-japanese seaweed chicken
-forgot the rest.
(k) blogs
"I think, therefore I am."
"I am, therefore I blog."
(a) Woken up by sister
"sammmm can you lend me your watch etc.etc.?"
"*snore* y ee szss *snore*"
(b) Woken up by grandmother
"samuel... 9.30 already!!"
"wha-? n v m still got time "
(c) Breakfast
1/2 big mac + 1/2 big mac = 1 big mac.
(d) Lazes around
("sam go and bathe!" said Mum)
(e) Showers, changes clothes, gets out of house to go to sister's 'racial harmony fair' at her school.
bag..... not checked.
*runs to find bag*
(f) Racial Harmony Fair
Things i bought: ice-cream, 2 badges, bubble tea, aloe vera drink, chicken cutlet
(g) Go back home
temperature: one thousand degrees celcius
mood: lethargic
(h) slacks around
(i) goes to church for yf
topic: post-modernism and the Gospel
(j) dinner at home
-japanese seaweed chicken
-forgot the rest.
(k) blogs
"I think, therefore I am."
"I am, therefore I blog."
Friday, July 08, 2005
like, yay!
i finally got my scanner working again! Can't wait to scan everything i can find in sight. lol i'm pathetic........
i'm planning on creating a blog-ish gallery blog. geddit? oh neverminddd. anyway i'll be uploading avatars/blinkies/whatevercrap there for your viewing please ^^ see i'm contributing to society! and i'm only 13! bow to me! etc.
oh no. my in grown toenail is growing painful again. argh. it was hurting like crazy during choir. funny i didn't notice until just now.
school was boring and uneventful, as usual. during home econs mrs teh kept *bleep*ing about the stooopit magnets like.... i can't describe it. ('wah see this magnet IS THE BEST ONE. later i'm going to give marks etc.etc.crasscrasscrass') but i thought it was the only scandalous thing that happened today. i'm stuck in my own boring little world as usual. sigh.
after that i ate a record of 8 pieces of french toast from my classmates. then i went to the library to try and do the perth trip journal but i hate journals aw tragic crycrycry.
and then after choir i ate another french toast. so now I have a total of 9 pieces of french toast. omg. thanks ALOT yiting =P
i'm planning on creating a blog-ish gallery blog. geddit? oh neverminddd. anyway i'll be uploading avatars/blinkies/whatevercrap there for your viewing please ^^ see i'm contributing to society! and i'm only 13! bow to me! etc.
oh no. my in grown toenail is growing painful again. argh. it was hurting like crazy during choir. funny i didn't notice until just now.
school was boring and uneventful, as usual. during home econs mrs teh kept *bleep*ing about the stooopit magnets like.... i can't describe it. ('wah see this magnet IS THE BEST ONE. later i'm going to give marks etc.etc.crasscrasscrass') but i thought it was the only scandalous thing that happened today. i'm stuck in my own boring little world as usual. sigh.
after that i ate a record of 8 pieces of french toast from my classmates. then i went to the library to try and do the perth trip journal but i hate journals aw tragic crycrycry.
and then after choir i ate another french toast. so now I have a total of 9 pieces of french toast. omg. thanks ALOT yiting =P
Thursday, June 30, 2005
ha ha i feel like laughing
my sister is crying and acting so melodramatic. omg sooo annoying and lame. and i am laughing. like siao. very funny right?
oh. school started again. I know, it's very sad. but at least i have miss kuck for our new form teacher. it's like....having miss ng for a form teacher! the rest of our year is gonna be SO awesome. yeahhh. then we are doing music too, and our music teacher is none other than mrs. yeap. and i'm the music rep. hahaha it's very funny now if you think about it. oh. nevermind. there is art, history and home econs tomorrow. and i can't find the plastic bag with my art supplies and stuff. omfg! but i still feel like laughing.
oh. school started again. I know, it's very sad. but at least i have miss kuck for our new form teacher. it's like....having miss ng for a form teacher! the rest of our year is gonna be SO awesome. yeahhh. then we are doing music too, and our music teacher is none other than mrs. yeap. and i'm the music rep. hahaha it's very funny now if you think about it. oh. nevermind. there is art, history and home econs tomorrow. and i can't find the plastic bag with my art supplies and stuff. omfg! but i still feel like laughing.
Saturday, June 25, 2005
help wanted
someone. help me find a nice enough blogskin. must be large enough to accomodate photographs and enough space for text. thank you~ *mua*
Friday, June 24, 2005
Question and Answer session
q: Why don't you like talking?
a: coz i know that when i open my mouth, nothing but crap will come out. see? it's happening again.
q: You're too quiet. Speak up lar!
a: I don't think that people like listening to crap.
q: My gawd - your self-esteem sucks!
a: I like having low self esteem. It makes me feel special.
q: don't try and use sarcasm on me. you know it's a sign of weakness.
a: technically that isn't a question so why should I be answering it?
q: just tell. please.
a: okay.
q: I'm waiting.
a: okay.
q: hello?
a: i forgot the question.
q: (...)
moving on - do you realize you're being very lame?
a: Isn't that supposed to be cool?
q: WHY ARE YOU SO MONOTONOUS?? stupid boring git.
a: I'm preserving my voice. You know? Like how you should preserve your life?
q: I don't like talking to you. You're disgusting.
a: oh.
q: do you frequently have conversations just like these with your imaginary friends?
a: of course i have to. schizophrenia is such a fun disease!
a: coz i know that when i open my mouth, nothing but crap will come out. see? it's happening again.
q: You're too quiet. Speak up lar!
a: I don't think that people like listening to crap.
q: My gawd - your self-esteem sucks!
a: I like having low self esteem. It makes me feel special.
q: don't try and use sarcasm on me. you know it's a sign of weakness.
a: technically that isn't a question so why should I be answering it?
q: just tell. please.
a: okay.
q: I'm waiting.
a: okay.
q: hello?
a: i forgot the question.
q: (...)
moving on - do you realize you're being very lame?
a: Isn't that supposed to be cool?
q: WHY ARE YOU SO MONOTONOUS?? stupid boring git.
a: I'm preserving my voice. You know? Like how you should preserve your life?
q: I don't like talking to you. You're disgusting.
a: oh.
q: do you frequently have conversations just like these with your imaginary friends?
a: of course i have to. schizophrenia is such a fun disease!
My Trip: an unbiased account of events.
day0. tried to pack bag. slept very very late.
day1. woke up early. eat breakfast. go to airport. answer questions whether i'm tired or not. say bye bye to parents. laugh and feel happy. pose for 655 photos. do i feel like a superstar yes i do. walk around with danny and rui hong and feeling very boh liao. misses ipod badly. boards plane. sits with jon lee and sherman. watches in-flight entertainment. thinks qantas is better. lands in perth. ends up stuck talking to tour manager eugene. i feel like clobbering him. hides underneath my smiley smiley fren-fren facade. take bus to Discovery observatory. shivers. has dinner. sees stars. feels a sense of peace and balance amidst the uncertainty and mystery of space and beyond. goes to the farm resort with an ultra lame name. wonders maybe i like it anyway. freaks out with roomates at night when a car parks outside with doors open and no-one around at 2 am. goes to sleep on the floor.
day2. wakes up late. everyone realizes they woke up late. mad rush. goes to a benedictine monastary settlement called New Norcia. listens to Jeremy Fletcher playing the organ and teacing us how to Gregorian chant. visits other chapels, churches, museam. meets church friends. senses that it is a small small world so why not just laugh it off. eats packed lunch. tries not to spew. dinner. movie marathon. packs bags. sleep. heated mattresses SO rule.
day3. wakes up. late. engages in the following activities: a,b,c,d,e and f. plays with dogs: x,y,z. They are cute. weather cold cold cold. goes to sand dunes. tries to slide down the dunes but fails and gets sand everywhere. lets jun heng do everything else. trips on toe. bleeds. badly. goes down the dunes feeling very very very irked. teachers try to treat wound. bus captain rick tries to make me laugh. i laugh. boards the bus. people gather around asking me if it hurts. goes up the bus. happy face totally wiped away when learns that i have to go to the clinic to treat wound while everyone is shopping. rest of the bus ride spent feeling sorry for myself. talks to mt and g. and later j. arrives in perth city. goes to japanese restaurent. eats. boards bus. yay we arrive at the hotel. damn it looks haunted by the souls of unsatisfied guests. is cynical. roomates: b and jl. watches drew barrymore movie 'riding in cars with boys' in solitary silence. enter jl. jl sleeps. enter b. b watches tv also. ends up sleeping at 12.30am.
day4. wake up call. slams phone down. sleeps somemore. visits fremantle. fish and chips lunch. family photo with b, mt, g, j and n. weather cold cold cold. talk about the aborigines around fremantle. has fun listening to story about spirit children. laughs at mushroom's hat. back to perth. dinner. miniature shopping spree at supermarket. back to hotel. family gathering at mt, g, j's room. listens to simple plan. jumps on bed. j scares all of us by storming out of the room. realizes it's a trick and follows. scares everyone in the room. b accidently falls asleep in vulnerable gossip prone position. talks to family on phone. wakes everyone up. teachers prowling makes everyone get up. people along the corridoor catches b leaving room. mr. y and loyal followers see him and stories start to spread. b's life seems to crash down before him. watches more tv. sleeps.
day5. wakes up. attends sunday mass. little get-to-know-each-other session with small boys from the choir. Visits Caversham Wildlife Park. Tries to feed unenthusiastic kangaroos. Phototaking session with a wombat. dinner. back to hotel. fortune telling with cards. back to hotel room. more tv. sleep.
day6. wakes up. goes to xx senior high. everyone suddenly seems chio-er. choir exchange. sings. listens to them sing. sings ave verum together. tour around school. oooh ahh very pretty. say bye bye. go to kings park. walk around kings park. ooh ahh very pretty. dinner. stays in hotel room. watches tv. shocking obscene image shows up. g breaks down when L remarks something about her head. takes bus to airport. "bid our farewell to the beautiful land of Perth for Singapore". board airplane. tries to sleep onboard. ends up in Singapore desperately in need of a nap. notices b's cute sister. goes to mcdonald's to have breakfast. meets friends that i never knew before although they seem to know everything about me. takes taxi back home. is a tad disappointed.
day1. woke up early. eat breakfast. go to airport. answer questions whether i'm tired or not. say bye bye to parents. laugh and feel happy. pose for 655 photos. do i feel like a superstar yes i do. walk around with danny and rui hong and feeling very boh liao. misses ipod badly. boards plane. sits with jon lee and sherman. watches in-flight entertainment. thinks qantas is better. lands in perth. ends up stuck talking to tour manager eugene. i feel like clobbering him. hides underneath my smiley smiley fren-fren facade. take bus to Discovery observatory. shivers. has dinner. sees stars. feels a sense of peace and balance amidst the uncertainty and mystery of space and beyond. goes to the farm resort with an ultra lame name. wonders maybe i like it anyway. freaks out with roomates at night when a car parks outside with doors open and no-one around at 2 am. goes to sleep on the floor.
day2. wakes up late. everyone realizes they woke up late. mad rush. goes to a benedictine monastary settlement called New Norcia. listens to Jeremy Fletcher playing the organ and teacing us how to Gregorian chant. visits other chapels, churches, museam. meets church friends. senses that it is a small small world so why not just laugh it off. eats packed lunch. tries not to spew. dinner. movie marathon. packs bags. sleep. heated mattresses SO rule.
day3. wakes up. late. engages in the following activities: a,b,c,d,e and f. plays with dogs: x,y,z. They are cute. weather cold cold cold. goes to sand dunes. tries to slide down the dunes but fails and gets sand everywhere. lets jun heng do everything else. trips on toe. bleeds. badly. goes down the dunes feeling very very very irked. teachers try to treat wound. bus captain rick tries to make me laugh. i laugh. boards the bus. people gather around asking me if it hurts. goes up the bus. happy face totally wiped away when learns that i have to go to the clinic to treat wound while everyone is shopping. rest of the bus ride spent feeling sorry for myself. talks to mt and g. and later j. arrives in perth city. goes to japanese restaurent. eats. boards bus. yay we arrive at the hotel. damn it looks haunted by the souls of unsatisfied guests. is cynical. roomates: b and jl. watches drew barrymore movie 'riding in cars with boys' in solitary silence. enter jl. jl sleeps. enter b. b watches tv also. ends up sleeping at 12.30am.
day4. wake up call. slams phone down. sleeps somemore. visits fremantle. fish and chips lunch. family photo with b, mt, g, j and n. weather cold cold cold. talk about the aborigines around fremantle. has fun listening to story about spirit children. laughs at mushroom's hat. back to perth. dinner. miniature shopping spree at supermarket. back to hotel. family gathering at mt, g, j's room. listens to simple plan. jumps on bed. j scares all of us by storming out of the room. realizes it's a trick and follows. scares everyone in the room. b accidently falls asleep in vulnerable gossip prone position. talks to family on phone. wakes everyone up. teachers prowling makes everyone get up. people along the corridoor catches b leaving room. mr. y and loyal followers see him and stories start to spread. b's life seems to crash down before him. watches more tv. sleeps.
day5. wakes up. attends sunday mass. little get-to-know-each-other session with small boys from the choir. Visits Caversham Wildlife Park. Tries to feed unenthusiastic kangaroos. Phototaking session with a wombat. dinner. back to hotel. fortune telling with cards. back to hotel room. more tv. sleep.
day6. wakes up. goes to xx senior high. everyone suddenly seems chio-er. choir exchange. sings. listens to them sing. sings ave verum together. tour around school. oooh ahh very pretty. say bye bye. go to kings park. walk around kings park. ooh ahh very pretty. dinner. stays in hotel room. watches tv. shocking obscene image shows up. g breaks down when L remarks something about her head. takes bus to airport. "bid our farewell to the beautiful land of Perth for Singapore". board airplane. tries to sleep onboard. ends up in Singapore desperately in need of a nap. notices b's cute sister. goes to mcdonald's to have breakfast. meets friends that i never knew before although they seem to know everything about me. takes taxi back home. is a tad disappointed.
Wednesday, June 22, 2005
feels odd to be back.
I'm back I'm back!!
if anyone noticed.
Perth rulez! =D
1) No matter how hard you try, you can't baptize cats.
2) When your Mom is mad at your Dad, don't let her brush your
3) If your sister hits you, don't hit her back. They always
catch the second person.
4) Never ask your 3-year old brother to hold a tomato.
5) You can't trust dogs to watch your food.
6) Don't sneeze when someone is cutting your hair.
7) Never hold a Dust-Buster and a cat at the same time.
8) You can't hide a piece of broccoli in a glass of milk.
9) Don't wear polka-dot underwear under white shorts.
10) The best place to be when you're sad is Grandpa's lap.
1) Raising teenagers is like nailing Jell-O to a tree.
2) Wrinkles don't hurt.
3) Families are like fudge...mostly sweet, with a few nuts.
4) Today's mighty oak is just yesterday's nut that held its
5) Laughing is good exercise. It's like jogging on the inside.
6) Middle age is when you choose your cereal for the fiber, not
the toy.
1) Growing up is mandatory; growing old is optional.
2) Forget the health food. I need all the preservatives I can
3) When you fall down, you wonder what else you can do while
you're down there.
4) You're getting old when you get the same sensation from a
rocking chair that you once got from a roller coaster.
5) It's frustrating when you know all the answers but nobody
bothers to ask you the questions.
6) Time may be a great healer, but it's a lousy beautician.
7) Wisdom comes with age, but sometimes age comes alone.
1) You believe in Santa Claus.
2) You don't believe in Santa Claus.
3) You are Santa Claus.
4) You look like Santa Claus.
At age 4 success is . . not peeing in your pants.
At age 12 success is . . . having friends.
At age 16 success is . . . having a drivers license.
At age 35 success is . . . having money.
At age 50 success is . . . having money.
At age 70 success is . . . having a drivers license.
At age 75 success is . . . having friends.
At age 80 success is . not peeing in your pants.
if anyone noticed.
Perth rulez! =D
1) No matter how hard you try, you can't baptize cats.
2) When your Mom is mad at your Dad, don't let her brush your
3) If your sister hits you, don't hit her back. They always
catch the second person.
4) Never ask your 3-year old brother to hold a tomato.
5) You can't trust dogs to watch your food.
6) Don't sneeze when someone is cutting your hair.
7) Never hold a Dust-Buster and a cat at the same time.
8) You can't hide a piece of broccoli in a glass of milk.
9) Don't wear polka-dot underwear under white shorts.
10) The best place to be when you're sad is Grandpa's lap.
1) Raising teenagers is like nailing Jell-O to a tree.
2) Wrinkles don't hurt.
3) Families are like fudge...mostly sweet, with a few nuts.
4) Today's mighty oak is just yesterday's nut that held its
5) Laughing is good exercise. It's like jogging on the inside.
6) Middle age is when you choose your cereal for the fiber, not
the toy.
1) Growing up is mandatory; growing old is optional.
2) Forget the health food. I need all the preservatives I can
3) When you fall down, you wonder what else you can do while
you're down there.
4) You're getting old when you get the same sensation from a
rocking chair that you once got from a roller coaster.
5) It's frustrating when you know all the answers but nobody
bothers to ask you the questions.
6) Time may be a great healer, but it's a lousy beautician.
7) Wisdom comes with age, but sometimes age comes alone.
1) You believe in Santa Claus.
2) You don't believe in Santa Claus.
3) You are Santa Claus.
4) You look like Santa Claus.
At age 4 success is . . not peeing in your pants.
At age 12 success is . . . having friends.
At age 16 success is . . . having a drivers license.
At age 35 success is . . . having money.
At age 50 success is . . . having money.
At age 70 success is . . . having a drivers license.
At age 75 success is . . . having friends.
At age 80 success is . not peeing in your pants.
Sunday, June 05, 2005
Sucky day. So there's this guy in church who always has to do things a step above me? Yeah. Like last year I went to KL and of course, HIS family had to go to Australia. And before that we were planning a trip to go to Israel with a few other peeps, and then this leader in Palastein died so we had to cancel it.
And now i guess after hearing that I'm going to Kualar Lumpur and Perth, they decide to take a TWO WEEK vacation to eastern Europe. *insert super-irked face here*
Then an hour after hearing this, my sister gets her iPod Shuffle. dammittt, my ipod still isn't repaired and she manages to get a new one. NOT good. So looks like she can carry all her so-damn-irritating songs wherever she goes. (think 'bloody Simple bloody Plan')
I know. I'm jealous. Looks like i can go join the human race after all.
Every cloud has a smokey grey lining
- Jane Lane
At least I get to escape from this country with a shitted-up education system when i go to KL tomorrow ^^ exciting or what? Ta-ta fellow losers!
And now i guess after hearing that I'm going to Kualar Lumpur and Perth, they decide to take a TWO WEEK vacation to eastern Europe. *insert super-irked face here*
Then an hour after hearing this, my sister gets her iPod Shuffle. dammittt, my ipod still isn't repaired and she manages to get a new one. NOT good. So looks like she can carry all her so-damn-irritating songs wherever she goes. (think 'bloody Simple bloody Plan')
I know. I'm jealous. Looks like i can go join the human race after all.
Every cloud has a smokey grey lining
- Jane Lane
At least I get to escape from this country with a shitted-up education system when i go to KL tomorrow ^^ exciting or what? Ta-ta fellow losers!
Saturday, June 04, 2005
shit happens
I have nearly all the symptoms of Lyme Disease . . . !
Signs and symptoms of Early Local Lyme Disease often starts with flu-like feelings of headache, stiff neck, fever, muscle aches, and fatigue. About 60% of light-skinned patients notice a unique enlarging rash, referred to as erythema migrans (EM), days to weeks after the bite. On dark-skinned people, this rash resembles a bruise.
The rash may appear within a day of the bite or as late as a month later. This rash may start as a small, reddish bump about one-half inch in diameter. It may be slightly raised or flat. It soon expands outward, often leaving a clearing (normal flesh color) in the center. It can enlarge to the size of a thumb-print or cover a persons back.
omg. and i have that rash on my finger. wtf. and stiff neck, headache, muscle aches and fatigue. ! ! ! I'm gonna die!!
does anyone care?
apparently not.
i hate
I have nearly all the symptoms of Lyme Disease . . . !
Signs and symptoms of Early Local Lyme Disease often starts with flu-like feelings of headache, stiff neck, fever, muscle aches, and fatigue. About 60% of light-skinned patients notice a unique enlarging rash, referred to as erythema migrans (EM), days to weeks after the bite. On dark-skinned people, this rash resembles a bruise.
The rash may appear within a day of the bite or as late as a month later. This rash may start as a small, reddish bump about one-half inch in diameter. It may be slightly raised or flat. It soon expands outward, often leaving a clearing (normal flesh color) in the center. It can enlarge to the size of a thumb-print or cover a persons back.
omg. and i have that rash on my finger. wtf. and stiff neck, headache, muscle aches and fatigue. ! ! ! I'm gonna die!!
does anyone care?
apparently not.
i hate
Thursday, June 02, 2005
"I feel a nostalgia for an age yet to come."
***** i miss ms ong =(( *****
I had a dream about tomorrow's maths test. I appeared in the classroom but I forgot to bring along my calculator. eep.
() ()
(- - )<<<<<
chinchillas rule! ^^
***** i miss ms ong =(( *****
I had a dream about tomorrow's maths test. I appeared in the classroom but I forgot to bring along my calculator. eep.
() ()
(- - )<<<<<
chinchillas rule! ^^
the near demise of the nokia 6230
Yesterday I was stopped by a strange man when I was walking home. Then he asked me to help him use his phone to call someone else's number to get their address. So I got so damn suspicious. Why can't he call that whatever person on his own. Then i was like 'okay, whatever.' then suddenly he asked me whether i got handphone. I was like, 'OMG'. So i just lied to him I don't have. Then he was like, 'nevermind'. And that incident irked me so much because his clothes were just. so. ugly. [*_*] ick ick ick
but maybe he just wanted my phone so i won't run off with his one. But who would want his old disssgusting phone? ick ick ick. grossssss (-___-)
but maybe he just wanted my phone so i won't run off with his one. But who would want his old disssgusting phone? ick ick ick. grossssss (-___-)
Wednesday, June 01, 2005
Choir today. )=
oh but wait.....
It's the first of june!
so what, you ask.
it means I should start on the progress log thingy or wadever that Mrs Lee gave. -_-
oh but wait.....
It's the first of june!
so what, you ask.
it means I should start on the progress log thingy or wadever that Mrs Lee gave. -_-
Tuesday, May 31, 2005
MODELLING AGENT 1: gosh, he's so young, intellegent AND talented.
MODELLING AGENT 2: Not to mention his LOOOKS. pity 'bout his nose though. So frikkin ugly.
the holidays are here. yay. perhaps if someone breathed on me i might catch their enthusiasm. so here are my plans, in case anyone is interested at all.
1) Lose weight
2) Read all the books in my reading list.
3) New clothes
4) New shoes
5) New spectacles
i'm feeling miserable because my iPod hasn't been repaired yet, and PEOPLE have started to make jokes about it. crap. and i'm sure some more sensitive person fritering away their time reading this will understand how difficult this is to me.
Oh. looks like no one does.
10.25 only and the family nazis are pressuring me to sleep. and i shall passively go away. =( =( =(
MODELLING AGENT 1: gosh, he's so young, intellegent AND talented.
MODELLING AGENT 2: Not to mention his LOOOKS. pity 'bout his nose though. So frikkin ugly.
the holidays are here. yay. perhaps if someone breathed on me i might catch their enthusiasm. so here are my plans, in case anyone is interested at all.
1) Lose weight
2) Read all the books in my reading list.
3) New clothes
4) New shoes
5) New spectacles
i'm feeling miserable because my iPod hasn't been repaired yet, and PEOPLE have started to make jokes about it. crap. and i'm sure some more sensitive person fritering away their time reading this will understand how difficult this is to me.
Oh. looks like no one does.
10.25 only and the family nazis are pressuring me to sleep. and i shall passively go away. =( =( =(
Monday, May 23, 2005
Such Great Heights
I am thinking it's a sign that the freckles
In our eyes are mirror images and when
We kiss they're perfectly aligned
And I have to speculate that God himself
Did make us into corresponding shapes like
Puzzle pieces from the clay
And true, it may seem like a stretch, but
Its thoughts like this that catch my troubled
Head when you're away when I am missing you to death
When you are out there on the road for
Several weeks of shows and when you scan
The radio, I hope this song will guide you home
They will see us waving from such great
Heights, 'come down now,' they'll say
But everything looks perfect from far away,
'come down now,' but we'll stay...
I tried my best to leave this all on your
Machine but the persistent beat it sounded
Thin upon listening
And that frankly will not fly. You will hear
The shrillest highs and lowest lows with
The windows down when this is guiding you home
In our eyes are mirror images and when
We kiss they're perfectly aligned
And I have to speculate that God himself
Did make us into corresponding shapes like
Puzzle pieces from the clay
And true, it may seem like a stretch, but
Its thoughts like this that catch my troubled
Head when you're away when I am missing you to death
When you are out there on the road for
Several weeks of shows and when you scan
The radio, I hope this song will guide you home
They will see us waving from such great
Heights, 'come down now,' they'll say
But everything looks perfect from far away,
'come down now,' but we'll stay...
I tried my best to leave this all on your
Machine but the persistent beat it sounded
Thin upon listening
And that frankly will not fly. You will hear
The shrillest highs and lowest lows with
The windows down when this is guiding you home
Friday, May 20, 2005
i have an announcement.......
May he grow fat, poor, ugly and old.
i wanna cry already. I wanna be SL I wanna be SL I wanna be SL I wanna be SL I wanna be SL I wanna be SL I wanna be SL I wanna be SL I wanna be SL I wanna be SL I wanna be SL I wanna be SL I wanna be SL I wanna be SL I wanna be SL I wanna be SL I wanna be SL I wanna be SL I wanna be SL I wanna be SL I wanna be SL I wanna be SL I wanna be SL I wanna be SL I wanna be SL I wanna be SL I wanna be SL I wanna be SL I wanna be SL I wanna be SL I wanna be SL I wanna be SL I wanna be SL I wanna be SL I wanna be SL I wanna be SL I wanna be SL I wanna be SL I wanna be SL I wanna be SL I wanna be SL
idiotic man!
and he still dares to say good luck for the next interview TO ME. what the fuck. i hate him like hell^10000000 .
DIE Shao Jie. DIE.
May he grow fat, poor, ugly and old.
i wanna cry already. I wanna be SL I wanna be SL I wanna be SL I wanna be SL I wanna be SL I wanna be SL I wanna be SL I wanna be SL I wanna be SL I wanna be SL I wanna be SL I wanna be SL I wanna be SL I wanna be SL I wanna be SL I wanna be SL I wanna be SL I wanna be SL I wanna be SL I wanna be SL I wanna be SL I wanna be SL I wanna be SL I wanna be SL I wanna be SL I wanna be SL I wanna be SL I wanna be SL I wanna be SL I wanna be SL I wanna be SL I wanna be SL I wanna be SL I wanna be SL I wanna be SL I wanna be SL I wanna be SL I wanna be SL I wanna be SL I wanna be SL I wanna be SL
idiotic man!
and he still dares to say good luck for the next interview TO ME. what the fuck. i hate him like hell^10000000 .
DIE Shao Jie. DIE.
i have an announcement.......
May he grow fat, poor, ugly and old.
i wanna cry already. I wanna be SL I wanna be SL I wanna be SL I wanna be SL I wanna be SL I wanna be SL I wanna be SL I wanna be SL I wanna be SL I wanna be SL I wanna be SL I wanna be SL I wanna be SL I wanna be SL I wanna be SL I wanna be SL I wanna be SL I wanna be SL I wanna be SL I wanna be SL I wanna be SL I wanna be SL I wanna be SL I wanna be SL I wanna be SL I wanna be SL I wanna be SL I wanna be SL I wanna be SL I wanna be SL I wanna be SL I wanna be SL I wanna be SL I wanna be SL I wanna be SL I wanna be SL I wanna be SL I wanna be SL I wanna be SL I wanna be SL I wanna be SL
idiotic man!
and he still dares to say good luck for the next interview TO ME. what the fuck. i hate him like hell^10000000 .
DIE Shao Jie. DIE.
May he grow fat, poor, ugly and old.
i wanna cry already. I wanna be SL I wanna be SL I wanna be SL I wanna be SL I wanna be SL I wanna be SL I wanna be SL I wanna be SL I wanna be SL I wanna be SL I wanna be SL I wanna be SL I wanna be SL I wanna be SL I wanna be SL I wanna be SL I wanna be SL I wanna be SL I wanna be SL I wanna be SL I wanna be SL I wanna be SL I wanna be SL I wanna be SL I wanna be SL I wanna be SL I wanna be SL I wanna be SL I wanna be SL I wanna be SL I wanna be SL I wanna be SL I wanna be SL I wanna be SL I wanna be SL I wanna be SL I wanna be SL I wanna be SL I wanna be SL I wanna be SL I wanna be SL
idiotic man!
and he still dares to say good luck for the next interview TO ME. what the fuck. i hate him like hell^10000000 .
DIE Shao Jie. DIE.
Thursday, May 19, 2005
iPod-less haixx
"Brand New Colony" - the Postal Service
I'll be the grapes fermented,
Bottled and served with the table set in my finest suit
Like a perfect gentlemen
I'll be the fire escape that's bolted to the ancient brick
Where you will sit and contemplate your day
I'll be the waterwings that save you if you start drowning
In an open tab when your judgement's on the brink
I'll be the phonograph that plays your favorite
Albums back as your lying there drifting off to sleep...
I'll be the platform shoes and undo what heredity's done to you...
You won't have to strain to look into my eyes
I'll be your winter coat buttoned and zippedstraight to the throat
With the collar up so you won't catch a cold
I want to take you far from the cynics in this town
And kiss you on the mouth
We'll cut out bodies free from the tethers of this scene,
Start a brand new colony
Where everything will change,
We'll give ourselves new names (identities erased)
The sun will heat the grounds
Under our bare feet in this brand new colony
Everything will change, oOo oOo...
argh. so much homework. so much stress. so much depression. it is really surprising when people ask how you cope in sec 1 and you say it's not as stressful as it seems but now IT IS dammit. gawd i am really buckling under the stress. i cannot believe it. i'm a very adaptable person... i should be able to at least stay 100% awake 100% attention for at least one period but i have seem to failed. i hate all the homework that is passed to me i hate all he fucking projects that we have to do week after week without stopping. it is madness and i feel like i'm working in a sweatshop or something. All these pointless forms, all the meaningless lessons, all the time dissipating (erm i think i used his word wrongly - sowwiiieee [^^"'] ) into nothingness admidst all the blind fear of unknown disciplinarians entering the prison that is your class. hey that would have made a nice song! * lol? ermmm *
agk i shouldn't even be typing all these crap. i havent even finished my reading portfolio assignments and my lame-O online maths homework. oh well at least now i can safely say that e-learning day sucked and we can all find peace in the knowledge that there won't be another one for a very long long time. heh heh :c
mmmmm..... i nearly forgot to tell my parents i scored highest in class for d&t ^^ and maybe they will even feel compelled to erm...uhh... get me the iPod photo (mini has too little space for all my songs. hrmph.) so then i'll have TWO iPods when the other one is finally repaired. har de har har har as if that would happen. don't those people at Apple center realize that without my ipod, i am NOTHING? yar that's right! blah.
omfg shao jie thinks i'm copying him. as in giving people 'that look'. wtf i have been doing that like, since primary 1 KKNBCJB! >_< stupid sicko. anyways yiting jun da and i caught him flirting with joelle after chemistry. and she was flirting back. ew both of them have zero taste! eurgh eurgh eurgh . ! ! ! *hahax* just kidding. both of them look so happy and contented together. ironically, kinda reminds me of gilmore girls season 4 when rory doesn't seem content because she is single again while everyone else is finding their um... special one.=P hrmmm.
...and once again i have a deja vu of looking through this post and realizing it's so long. maybe coz don't really have people to talk to suddenly. need to have verbal diahorrea in this blog. shit,,, i promised myself not to be so lonely this year, unlike last year and last last last year. urgh maybe i'll grow up to like those old people who feed the cats. not that i have anything against cats (i LURV kittiiiies ^^ ) but i'm NOT A CAT PERSON I DON'T WANT TO BECOME A CAT PERSON! *weep* okay. right. whatever.
and then we have now come to the list of bad things that have happened to me this week.
1) Monday. mondays are a bad thing. Baaaaaaad things, those days.
2) No more gilmore girls at 5pm. how will i ever spend my afternoon break again? Waaaaaah
3) e-learning day. enough said.
4) iPod being repaired at the apple center for approx. 1 and a half weeks. they claim to be waiting for parts to be shipped. yeah right. i think they are lying. they hate me. everyone hates me. it's a deliberate move to spite me. argh.
5) rains at the wrong times.
6) rains at the wrong times WHEN i am carrying my ugly blue umbrella.
7) i think i gained 1 kg.
8) i had to stand up during chinese lesson today coz i got no time to do my homework. urgh.
9) choir is so tough. and it's tough not to show it.
10) choir on friday. AAAAAAkrhjfgld ! ! !
11) i had eyebags on monday. EYEBAGS! E Y E B A G S ! ewwww! *lol*
12) i was trying to be funny but i failed. i 'm not the crack-a-joke-a-day sort of person.
13) so much homework.
See? Thirteen problems. yikes.
it's raining now and the chinchilla's are waiting for their dinner. i guess that means i should feed them. but then pip will bite me. or not. i wish i had rubber gloves =(
p.s. wow this seems like a long entry. maybe they should publish Cliff Notes for this HAHAHAHAH HARH. okay you don't know what are cliff notes so you don't get the joke so it's not funny. =(( I'm a stupid loser failure!
Jun Da : YOU are a FAILURE
Me : I am NOT!
Jun Da : ..................
Jun Da : *tooooooooottoooooooottoooooot*
i can't wait to see star wars at lido with donald! AT least that gives me something to look forward to. though i don't like star wars. but nevermind.
Yawn. i think i should do my homework now. why the heck am i typing this anyway? coz i dun wan my blog to erhm ....
funkylittlepiggy : ur blog is dying. go POST.
me : but i just posted last week/month/term wad. :(
funkylittlepiggy : oh.
funkylittlepiggy : nvm juz go POST.
.............. dotz.........
bleh i keep doing these flashback things it's becoming cliché already. And my blog won't look like Wendy Cheng's one already. Waaaaaaaaah.
oh temple of the goddess of the goddesses of blogging ...show me your true ways and enlighten me...... oh sacred one
signing off (finally!)
oi! remember to go 1e3 forum okiiees? address at 1e3 blog. 1e3 blog address available at 1e3 whiteboard. 1e3 rawks! yeahhh!
I'll be the grapes fermented,
Bottled and served with the table set in my finest suit
Like a perfect gentlemen
I'll be the fire escape that's bolted to the ancient brick
Where you will sit and contemplate your day
I'll be the waterwings that save you if you start drowning
In an open tab when your judgement's on the brink
I'll be the phonograph that plays your favorite
Albums back as your lying there drifting off to sleep...
I'll be the platform shoes and undo what heredity's done to you...
You won't have to strain to look into my eyes
I'll be your winter coat buttoned and zippedstraight to the throat
With the collar up so you won't catch a cold
I want to take you far from the cynics in this town
And kiss you on the mouth
We'll cut out bodies free from the tethers of this scene,
Start a brand new colony
Where everything will change,
We'll give ourselves new names (identities erased)
The sun will heat the grounds
Under our bare feet in this brand new colony
Everything will change, oOo oOo...
argh. so much homework. so much stress. so much depression. it is really surprising when people ask how you cope in sec 1 and you say it's not as stressful as it seems but now IT IS dammit. gawd i am really buckling under the stress. i cannot believe it. i'm a very adaptable person... i should be able to at least stay 100% awake 100% attention for at least one period but i have seem to failed. i hate all the homework that is passed to me i hate all he fucking projects that we have to do week after week without stopping. it is madness and i feel like i'm working in a sweatshop or something. All these pointless forms, all the meaningless lessons, all the time dissipating (erm i think i used his word wrongly - sowwiiieee [^^"'] ) into nothingness admidst all the blind fear of unknown disciplinarians entering the prison that is your class. hey that would have made a nice song! * lol? ermmm *
agk i shouldn't even be typing all these crap. i havent even finished my reading portfolio assignments and my lame-O online maths homework. oh well at least now i can safely say that e-learning day sucked and we can all find peace in the knowledge that there won't be another one for a very long long time. heh heh :c
mmmmm..... i nearly forgot to tell my parents i scored highest in class for d&t ^^ and maybe they will even feel compelled to erm...uhh... get me the iPod photo (mini has too little space for all my songs. hrmph.) so then i'll have TWO iPods when the other one is finally repaired. har de har har har as if that would happen. don't those people at Apple center realize that without my ipod, i am NOTHING? yar that's right! blah.
omfg shao jie thinks i'm copying him. as in giving people 'that look'. wtf i have been doing that like, since primary 1 KKNBCJB! >_< stupid sicko. anyways yiting jun da and i caught him flirting with joelle after chemistry. and she was flirting back. ew both of them have zero taste! eurgh eurgh eurgh . ! ! ! *hahax* just kidding. both of them look so happy and contented together. ironically, kinda reminds me of gilmore girls season 4 when rory doesn't seem content because she is single again while everyone else is finding their um... special one.=P hrmmm.
...and once again i have a deja vu of looking through this post and realizing it's so long. maybe coz don't really have people to talk to suddenly. need to have verbal diahorrea in this blog. shit,,, i promised myself not to be so lonely this year, unlike last year and last last last year. urgh maybe i'll grow up to like those old people who feed the cats. not that i have anything against cats (i LURV kittiiiies ^^ ) but i'm NOT A CAT PERSON I DON'T WANT TO BECOME A CAT PERSON! *weep* okay. right. whatever.
and then we have now come to the list of bad things that have happened to me this week.
1) Monday. mondays are a bad thing. Baaaaaaad things, those days.
2) No more gilmore girls at 5pm. how will i ever spend my afternoon break again? Waaaaaah
3) e-learning day. enough said.
4) iPod being repaired at the apple center for approx. 1 and a half weeks. they claim to be waiting for parts to be shipped. yeah right. i think they are lying. they hate me. everyone hates me. it's a deliberate move to spite me. argh.
5) rains at the wrong times.
6) rains at the wrong times WHEN i am carrying my ugly blue umbrella.
7) i think i gained 1 kg.
8) i had to stand up during chinese lesson today coz i got no time to do my homework. urgh.
9) choir is so tough. and it's tough not to show it.
10) choir on friday. AAAAAAkrhjfgld ! ! !
11) i had eyebags on monday. EYEBAGS! E Y E B A G S ! ewwww! *lol*
12) i was trying to be funny but i failed. i 'm not the crack-a-joke-a-day sort of person.
13) so much homework.
See? Thirteen problems. yikes.
it's raining now and the chinchilla's are waiting for their dinner. i guess that means i should feed them. but then pip will bite me. or not. i wish i had rubber gloves =(
p.s. wow this seems like a long entry. maybe they should publish Cliff Notes for this HAHAHAHAH HARH. okay you don't know what are cliff notes so you don't get the joke so it's not funny. =(( I'm a stupid loser failure!
Jun Da : YOU are a FAILURE
Me : I am NOT!
Jun Da : ..................
Jun Da : *tooooooooottoooooooottoooooot*
i can't wait to see star wars at lido with donald! AT least that gives me something to look forward to. though i don't like star wars. but nevermind.
Yawn. i think i should do my homework now. why the heck am i typing this anyway? coz i dun wan my blog to erhm ....
funkylittlepiggy : ur blog is dying. go POST.
me : but i just posted last week/month/term wad. :(
funkylittlepiggy : oh.
funkylittlepiggy : nvm juz go POST.
.............. dotz.........
bleh i keep doing these flashback things it's becoming cliché already. And my blog won't look like Wendy Cheng's one already. Waaaaaaaaah.
oh temple of the goddess of the goddesses of blogging ...show me your true ways and enlighten me...... oh sacred one
signing off (finally!)
oi! remember to go 1e3 forum okiiees? address at 1e3 blog. 1e3 blog address available at 1e3 whiteboard. 1e3 rawks! yeahhh!
Saturday, May 14, 2005
samuel lee, this is your life!
Hahaz...i copied the titled from my sister. =P Muahahahaha etc. etc.
it wasn't exactly a very productive day. morning wei yao marcus jun da and i , went to amk library to do lit project and then blahblahblah i shan't bore you with the details... then afternoon i went to church for yf........ um that's it :(
so then my dad had his whatever swimming competition...you know all the Ministries (MOE, MOH, MOM etc. etc.) all competing against each other with their fake sincerity and stress related over-enthusiasm (that is, if they were all school kids). Then my dad was representing MOE at the senior Men's Open backstroke event (or whatever swimmers call it LoL) and he came in 5/8. i sms-ed him
me: that's good ^^ i'm on my way home soon
-- waits for non-existant reply --
and he was at the isetan sale all along spending all his money on shirts that have 'wrinkle-free' fabric (yah right. there were wrinkles in the wrinkles of the wrinkle-free t-shirt. wadabout that. -_- ). and there was a two-way shirt too, as in you can turn the shirt inside-out for another pattern if you don't like the other pattern already.
chong yi : but ah what if the shirt is like not very nice then you don't like both patterns? then what size is it available in? then where can i find it? very farni leh (and so on...)
miss neo : can you please collate your questions and then ask me later?
* stops daydreaming a.k.a wakes up to this sick sad world *
roflmao . i can still remember that day. or this one :
chong yi : *raises up his hand* err miss ong...
miss ong : *irked* yes chong yi what is our question? >.<
chong yi : *scratches neck in awkward shock and embarrassment*
yar that one quite funny also. jun da and i laughed like siao, then i felt all the furniture in class staring at me like bo liao like that. damn scary.
it wasn't exactly a very productive day. morning wei yao marcus jun da and i , went to amk library to do lit project and then blahblahblah i shan't bore you with the details... then afternoon i went to church for yf........ um that's it :(
so then my dad had his whatever swimming competition...you know all the Ministries (MOE, MOH, MOM etc. etc.) all competing against each other with their fake sincerity and stress related over-enthusiasm (that is, if they were all school kids). Then my dad was representing MOE at the senior Men's Open backstroke event (or whatever swimmers call it LoL) and he came in 5/8. i sms-ed him
me: that's good ^^ i'm on my way home soon
-- waits for non-existant reply --
and he was at the isetan sale all along spending all his money on shirts that have 'wrinkle-free' fabric (yah right. there were wrinkles in the wrinkles of the wrinkle-free t-shirt. wadabout that. -_- ). and there was a two-way shirt too, as in you can turn the shirt inside-out for another pattern if you don't like the other pattern already.
chong yi : but ah what if the shirt is like not very nice then you don't like both patterns? then what size is it available in? then where can i find it? very farni leh (and so on...)
miss neo : can you please collate your questions and then ask me later?
* stops daydreaming a.k.a wakes up to this sick sad world *
roflmao . i can still remember that day. or this one :
chong yi : *raises up his hand* err miss ong...
miss ong : *irked* yes chong yi what is our question? >.<
chong yi : *scratches neck in awkward shock and embarrassment*
yar that one quite funny also. jun da and i laughed like siao, then i felt all the furniture in class staring at me like bo liao like that. damn scary.
Thursday, May 12, 2005
Tuesday, May 10, 2005
I don't believe this. it's like chong yi is bias or sumthing, the whole of yesterday and today he asked only 5 or 6 questions. And that is so abnormal. Why? coz he asks a frikkin gajillion questions in just one period ...if it was a normal day.
And it's true...Jun da and i were counting. there is something wrong, i'm quite sure of it =\
today i felt like i was the worstest student ever (and it's true...! *lame*) coz i was half asleep during history and i was doing yesterday's homework (maths in particular =P ) the after that during english i forgot everything that miss ong said (-_-'") sorry miss ong! Then after that p.e. we played soccer? and everyone i know knows that i don't enjoy kicking a ball on a patch of grass? so jun da and i just stood in front of the net, and i pretended to be gloomy. well I was already gloomy enough, even though gray skies cheer me up.....
so then anyway we were taking up space on the field, then those ultra-enthu people all run around pretending they look so stylo when running in the drizzle . that sort of stuffs. so damn irritating lor. maybe i looked stupid also, i was a about to kick then i missed....oh the humanity...!
but it went out anyway. but i still looked so bai chi. sobb.
then after recess it was two periods of english (good time to catch up on my sleep, huh?) but then i was busy doing chinese zuo ye and playing word games with jun da... the boredom! then we didn't give a damn what was the stupid book trying to tell us, somthing like analytical writing or whatever. oh... it was ....... damn. i forgot again. but anyway it was boring. dun need to elabourate further. haha as usual maths was the only time i tried to pay attention -_- and after that chinese i drew on my hand. =P so finally during chemistry i was struggling to open my eyes LoL.
then today also got choral speaking rehearsal. ARFG!@$%^@!@&^GHHH
*cool down*
note to self - attach that damn tagboard. until now still missing! tsk tsk tsk.

today i felt like i was the worstest student ever (and it's true...! *lame*) coz i was half asleep during history and i was doing yesterday's homework (maths in particular =P ) the after that during english i forgot everything that miss ong said (-_-'") sorry miss ong! Then after that p.e. we played soccer? and everyone i know knows that i don't enjoy kicking a ball on a patch of grass? so jun da and i just stood in front of the net, and i pretended to be gloomy. well I was already gloomy enough, even though gray skies cheer me up.....


then after recess it was two periods of english (good time to catch up on my sleep, huh?) but then i was busy doing chinese zuo ye and playing word games with jun da... the boredom! then we didn't give a damn what was the stupid book trying to tell us, somthing like analytical writing or whatever. oh... it was ....... damn. i forgot again. but anyway it was boring. dun need to elabourate further. haha as usual maths was the only time i tried to pay attention -_- and after that chinese i drew on my hand. =P so finally during chemistry i was struggling to open my eyes LoL.
then today also got choral speaking rehearsal. ARFG!@$%^@!@&^GHHH
*cool down*
note to self - attach that damn tagboard. until now still missing! tsk tsk tsk.
Tuesday, May 03, 2005
A Life
Yesterday i nearly died coz i havent done so much homework, then the !%^& history project not nice enough....then it was like, most of the things i do on my own.....as usual. Then Jun da always want me in his grp coz then i can do EVEYFUKKINTHING in the project. so damn annoying. but aniwaes...
I re-ran my 2.4km again today. Then halfway through i couldn't breathe lor..then i felt like collapsing like that...then when i finish running i suddenly saw ching yi at the school gate already. then i was like, omfgwtf...he completed so early? then i pretend to be nice and asked him. and it turns out he gave up halfway. TYPICAL....... ¬¬ Good thing this time i clocked 13.40. still very bad but at least i pass lar......
tomorrow got bloody choral bloody speaking. so damn fukked up. i hate i hate i hate i hate >_< stupid akawakawaka lamerrr
I re-ran my 2.4km again today. Then halfway through i couldn't breathe lor..then i felt like collapsing like that...then when i finish running i suddenly saw ching yi at the school gate already. then i was like, omfgwtf...he completed so early? then i pretend to be nice and asked him. and it turns out he gave up halfway. TYPICAL....... ¬¬ Good thing this time i clocked 13.40. still very bad but at least i pass lar......
tomorrow got bloody choral bloody speaking. so damn fukked up. i hate i hate i hate i hate >_< stupid akawakawaka lamerrr
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